
Day after tomarrow

Opening her eyes again Thirteen just looks at Hunter for a long moment giving a small smile. He always made he feel safe but still...she was scaired. She couldnt help it but maybe one day she would try.

"Thanks, maybe someday I will have the courage to try if you help me. Maybe someday."

Looking down at the ground again Thirteen is quiet as she just think for a long moment about what Ryder said processing everything slowly.

Laughing and shaking her head as she watchs Kyle headed for the bus Alice rolls her eyes and goes after him. He couldnt have all the fun alone in getting Hunter. Besides she wanted to help make him laugh he had been so blah latly.

Getting to the bus a few minutes later Alice is about to round he courner when she hears the two men talking rather loudly. She could tell by there tones this was not a friendly conversation.

Knowing she shouldent ease drop and these two needed to work things out Alice is about to leave when she hears them talking about Kyle getting the girl. Knowing they were talking about her Alice stays just this once and she cant feel her heart sink just a little bit.

She didnt feel angry, or maybe a little but mostly sad and disapointed they two adults would act this way.

Looking around the courner she see punchs where thrown and fists fly she couldnt let them tear eachother apart like this.

Stepping out from around the bus Alice's eyes were cold, and the laughter was drownd out. This was not the time for games. Giving a sharp whistle she scolds.

"I cant believe the two of you. Friends acting like two year olds over a girl ME!! I'm not just a toy than you can argu over when you want to because you didnt get your fair turn."

Alice looks between both men and shakes her head.

"You two should know better."

Turning Alice leaves both of them standing there as she heads the opisit way.

Just holding Laura close to him Nate lets out a happy sigh and his emotions, feelings and everything were singing for joy.

Pulling Laura away just a little bit he looks down at her and gives a smile.

"How about we get married day after tomarrow? I'm tired of waiting, I'm ready now..if you are."

Nate's smile was bright and his eyes twinkled with love showing he really ment it.

Moving away from Laura and to the fireplace hearth he takes a tiny box off of it before coming to Laura again. Getting down on one keep in his bear feet and beat up jean he beams up at her as he held it open.

"Laura Gibbs, will you marry me the day after tomarrow?"

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