
Having it out

Ryder's eyes have been open and he's been watching Thirteen as she thinks. He studies her movements as she talks, and he hears the longing in her voice.

"There's only one thing wrong with that boy's story," he says quietly.

Giving her hands a little squeeze, he signals that she can open her eyes. He stares into them, trying to convey the confidence he had in her. "In the end, he was still there in his room. But you... you're not locked into this room by anybody but yourself. You've got wings, Thirteen, if only you would stretch them and fly."

He reaches out and brushes her cheek, offering a small smile. "You shouldn't be afraid to fly when there's someone there to catch you if you fall."

Kyle laughs and points a finger at Alice as he turns around, trotting backward. "You better not eat my food. Myla! Keep an eye on this one until I get back!" Swiveling around, he sprints off.

"Yo, Hunter! Soup's on!" He bangs on the side of the bus. "Coming?"

"Aw, Kyle!"

Kyle stops at the irritated tone of Hunter's voice. "What?"

"Just stop it! Can't you act normal just once?!" The bus rocks just a little signaling that Hunter was moving around several moments before he appears out the door. He glares in Kyle's direction. "Next time, how about actually walking ten more feet and coming in to get my attention more calmly?"

Taken aback, Kyle crosses his arms. "What does it matter?" he defends. "I was just coming to tell you that the food was ready. Far be it from me to try to be nice to you."

"Well thanks a whole heap, but your banging startled me enough that I messed up the project I was working on."

"You mean that drawing you were doing for your aunt?"

"Yeah, that's the one." Hunter's eyes continue to glare. "You know, the one I was working on for the last two weeks. Now it has a nice ink mark right across the middle."


"A lot of good that does!"

"Well what do you want me to do? I can't fix it! Next time I'll just let you go hungry!"

"You're getting better at this, ya know?"


"Making things every body else's fault."

"Like you aren't doing that with me!" Kyle throws up his arms. "Whatever, Hunter. You want to be miserable, go ahead. I don't have to listen to you."

"What's the difference?" Hunter shoots back. "You've never listened to me anyway. Oh, no, wait, it wasn't that you don't listen, it's that you don't tell people the truth!"

"Look, just back off," Kyle snaps. They were only a few feet apart now. "I said I was sorry and I don't know what you mean about the truth, but I've never lied to you, so cut the crap and get over whatever it is that's bothering you."

Hunter shakes his head. "You're really something, you know that? And I thought you were smart. Apparently you're as blind as everybody else. But you know what? I guess I don't really care."



Kyle rolls his eyes and turns to walk away. This was ridiculous. They'd gone almost twenty-four hours without fighting this time, but it looked like it was inevitable that they continue their daily ritual.

"Don't walk away from me," Hunter hisses. "Or is that all you know how to do? Stab, then tuck tail and run?"

Kyle just waves him off and keeps walking. But as he reaches the back of the bus again, his legs are swept out from under him. Falling to the side, he bounces off the bus and onto the pavement with a smack. For a moment, he's a little dazed and slowly tries to pick himself back up. What had...

Hunter stands behind him, his eyes blazing. "I've had it with you, Kyle. I'm sick and tired of you getting in my way all the time, then walking away as if you don't hold any blame."

Kyle finally gets to his feet and brushes gravel off his hands. He wasn't hurt, but he'd skinned his elbow pretty good. He meets Hunter's glare with his own. "And I'm sick and tired of you getting in my way."

"Good. Then who's gonna stay, and who's gonna go?"

"Why don't we find out?" Kyle straightens and positions himself.

Hunter does the same and within seconds, both are blocking each other's hits. "Give it up, Kyle," he warns.

"Too late." Kyle ducks a blow and delivers a kick that is pushed aside. "I'm fed up with you trying to push me around."

"And I'm fed up with you pretending you're the innocent one in all of this!"

"In all of what?!" Kyle makes a wrong move and pays for it as Hunter's knuckles meet his mouth. He staggers a little but regains balance just in time to jump over Hunter's leg as he tries to sweep his feet out from under him.

Hunter doesn't give Kyle an inch, his karate pressured enough to start backing Kyle up out of the parking lot, into the grass. "In this stupid setup. But I suppose you got what you wanted."

Kyle is on the defense, battling Hunter's quick moves. But he holds his own, swinging a nice kick to Hunter's gut. He finally voices what he's thought all along. "You're still upset that I got the girl, aren't you?"

Hunter's wind is knocked out of him and he steps to the side, avoiding being taken down. Several quick jabs and he's got the upper hand again. "I'm upset you lied to me!"

"About what?!"

"You said you weren't interested!"

"So?! Alice got what she wanted in the end."

"But I wouldn't have tried anything if you hadn't said you weren't interested in the first place!" Hunters twists Kyle's arm around and sends him up and over his shoulders, sprawling onto the grass.

Kyle puts up his knees to protect his ribs, springing back to throw Hunter off of him. Both roll to their feet. "So I changed my mind!"

"Yeah, after I made a move, then you had to stick your nose in. Thanks a lot, buddy."

"How was I supposed to know you wanted her?"

"I told you I did!"

"Well I'm sorry!"

"No you're not! You stabbed me in the back!"

Fists and feet fly, neither man giving in or letting up.

Myla realizes that Kyle hasn't returned yet and turns her gaze to where the bus was, a ways away. Scanning the area, she spots both men a little further away than that, in the grass. "Oh come on guys," she shouts. "We're supposed to relax today, remember? Sparring is for the morning."

Jordan follows her gaze, his plate of food in hand. He watches Hunter and Kyle for a moment, then seems to stop short. "They're not sparring." His food is forgotten and he takes off up the grassy hill.

Realizing what Jordan meant, Heath is close behind and so is Chloe.

Being drawn into Nate's arms, Laura feels like she will melt. A few new tears escape... she felt so unworthy.... but so loved and so happy. She knew this was his answer. Returning Nate's kiss, her arms slide around him to keep herself close to him. He was so warm and protecting... a shelter that she would no longer have to live without. She allows him to kiss her with passion, and returns her own, proving she is willing to give that passion to him.

Though only a short time, it feels like an eternity has passed when Laura finally draws her lips away from his. Too afraid to let the moment end, she buries her face in Nate's chest, soaking up every last bit of forgiveness and comfort she could find. This was where she belonged. "I love you," she murmurs.

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