

Laura chokes on a laugh as she looks down at Nate. She wipes another tear from her eye, unable to help the smile that came through. She looks at the ring, then to Nate's face, laughing again. "I don't know what you did to me Nate... but I just can't say no to you any more."

She sniffs and wipes her eyes, knowing that this whole thing was just a bit more complicated than saying "hey we're married." But right now, it just didn't matter. Logistics could always wait. For now, it was love's turn, and it wouldn't be made to wait any longer. They both would have someone to come home to every night... someone to share everything with... someone to love and hold and care for... someone to simply always be there. What more needed to be worried about?

Reaching down, Laura takes the little box to get a closer look. Taking out the ring, she holds it with a trembling hand. It was so pretty. To think... someone loved her enough for this.

Still smiling, still crying, she sets the box aside, then holds out the ring along with her left hand, to let him do the honors. "Let's see how it looks to show the world I'm taken." Her eyes shone with the unspoken word. Yes.

Both men pause their fight, surprised and feeling guilty that Alice had overheard them and knew what was going on. Breathing heavily, they're sweating with fists balled, hearing her words. Neither knows what to say, and Kyle desperately tries to think of something, but he's left with his mouth open as Alice walks away.

Swinging a glare back to Hunter, his eyes narrow. "Thanks a lot."

He's met with a round kick he didn't even see coming.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Jordan kneels next to Kyle, keeping Hunter from doing any more damage. He sees Alice already a short ways away and tries to put the pieces together. "What has gotten into you two?" he barks. Friend or not, he was still the leader of the pack.

Kyle sits up on the ground and puts a hand to his head, feeling dizzy from the impact. Already, behind his eye and up to his temple was turning purple from Hunter's boot.

Hunter stands back and crosses his arms. "Nothing."

"Don't give me that." Jordan stands back up, glaring at them. "I want answers, and I want them now!"

By now, the others had caught up and stand back, not knowing what to do. Kyle and Hunter are still silent.

"We're supposed to be good examples," Jordan reprimands. "Here we are, traveling around and promoting good choices and loving one another, and here you two go, beating the crap out of each other. I will not tolerate this on our team!"

With Heath's help, Kyle gets to his feet. Chloe tries to move his hand so she can see his head, but he doesn't let her. "It was my fault," he mutters to Jordan. "I guess this just isn't where I belong." Pushing his way past the others, he heads to the far end of the park. He needed to apologize to Alice, but he needed to cool off first. Not to mention, he had no idea what to say to her.

Jordan shifts his gaze to Hunter. "Well?"

Hunter's face has grown red, and he looks at the ground. "It's between him and me."

"Then I expect you to work it out like adults!" Jordan makes his point firmly. "If you're not going to talk about it, fine. But you two better get your heads on straight before our next event."

Kyle sits on a swing, swaying just a little. Leaning against the chain, he keeps his hand against his growing bruise. His heart hurt just as badly. He and Hunter had always been friends. And now this. Maybe Hunter was right... maybe this whole thing really was his fault. He had told Hunter he wasn't interested in Alice. It didn't matter much now, but thinking it over, if he would have been in Hunter's shoes, he probably wouldn't have felt much differently. Now though... if they couldn't get along, what did that do to Break Out? If it was Kyle's fault, maybe he should just be removed from the equation altogether. He certainly wasn't willing to give up Alice. But maybe it would be better for the team if he pulled out. At least Hunter could stay without these fights... he was the better performer anyway.

Kyle sighs. His stomach hurt. Lunch had been abandoned. And he felt lonely. Again.

Ryder gives a little sigh. Someday. Yes, someday. But that day would come too soon and too suddenly if Thirteen wasn't prepared. And that day was coming up with Reese doing the pushing.

"Don't spend your lifetime looking for the somedays," he warns gently. "Someday only comes when we want it to. If you want it bad enough... then fear won't hold you back any more."

Letting go of her hands, he gives her knee a little pat before he gets to his feet. "I need to get going on home." He didn't need to tell her again that she could call if she needed something... she knew that's what the phone in the room was for.

"Tomorrow I need to go give Trooper a run in the park. I won't make you come, but if you want to, you're more than welcome."

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