
No more secrets

Con bites his tongue as Jamie takes her call, the laughter desperately trying to surface against his will. As he halts the car at a stop sign and she punches him, it breaks forth, his face getting red. He rests his forehead on the steering wheel for just a moment, unable to contain his laughter. Finally he gets himself under control, and glances in Jamie’s direction, the amusement dancing in his eyes. “I’m sorry…” He forces a serious expression. “That was mean of me.” He’s not able to hold his stern look for more than a few moments though, as another chuckle escapes. “Sure was fun though.” Clearing his throat, he resumes his driving as someone behind him honks their horn. “You have my permission to set your mother straight,” he adds, “before there’s rumors about US back at the office.”

Jason opens his mouth to form a rebuttal for Katie’s statement about secrets, but decides to keep quiet for now. If he were in her shoes, he probably wouldn’t feel much different.
As she speaks of what she felt earlier about him, he cocks his head slightly, still amazed at how she can decipher what he’s feeling. “Well…for what it’s worth…thanks. And…thanks for not pressuring me about not telling you what’s going on. If it turns into anything major, I’ll let you know…you have my word.”
He leans back in his chair and looks up at the tv as she turns it on. Her comment about wanting his company brings back her earlier statement about the want of him as a boyfriend. He tries to forget it though, recalling the state of mind she’d been in.

The afternoon comes and goes, Jason keeping up a light conversation with Katie, around dozing off a couple times. By the evening, he leaves her alone for just a while to go to Con’s and tells her he’ll be back after supper. He has a hunch that she’ll not be alone for long, and as he’s driving out of the parking lot, he finds he’s right – Wyatt’s jeep is just pulling in.

Wyatt takes a deep breath before entering Katie’s room. He’d promised there would be no more secrets. His hair is pulled back and he’s changed in a little nicer clothes after work. He gives Katie a smile and eases down in the chair next to the bed. He looks in better shape that Jason, not having received any knuckles to the face, though a small bandage on the side of his head reminds him of hitting the pavement. He squints at Katie, producing a sheepish look. “Hate me?”

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