
Wyatt, Jason?

*Jaime takes another sip of her Milkshake and leans back again.* "Oh that rumor. Well...its goes like this. Kati and Wyatt are dating. They hit it off from the moment they met. Really cute together too. Everything was going good till Jason got hurt and came back. Wyatt dosent understand her connection with Jason but is intreged by it. Jason and Katie got close. Wyatt trusts Katie but still there is that doubt in his mind since Crystal. Kaite and Jason I dont know. But you can just tell there is so much of a friendship there is goes beyond but neather wants to addmit it. And than Katie become Jason's body guard and that dident help, and than so on and so forth and Jason has been staying at the hospetal with Katie. Being very protective, and watching her like a Hawk. She dosent mind though. I think he poor girl is confused. and dosent know what to do. You can tell she likes Wyatt and cares about him. But just with Jason its differnt. I know she dosent want to hurt eather and I think thats what she is faced with now." *Mable bring Con and Jamie there food.* "Thx Mom." *Mable nods and smiles.* " I know its non of my busness but that Jason kid, he needs someone like Katie in his life to help him out. Wyatt's a good guy with a good head on his sounders He'll bounce back.** Jamie gives her mom a side long lance and Mable backs away.* "Ok ok...sorry."

*Katie takes a bit of her bread and chews.* "And...he punched you why?"

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