

Con keeps his eyes on the road, his head resting back in the seat as he's fully relaxed. "Well, I got Reese to let me stay a week at least...he doesn't like Austin without me back in Texas, but nothing's been going on there that he can't handle, and the other guys are still there with him. Not to mention the whole gang watches each other's backs real well." He shrugs. "I'd like to stick around here as long as I can. I miss my apartment, and I miss being around the office."
He pulls up to the curb downtown in front of the little family-owned restaurant. He gets out and waits at the door, holding it open for Jamie. "Ladies first. You pick the table."

Jason's eyes widen at Katie's offhanded comment, and he blinks, unsure how to receive it. As she keeps talking, he begins to realize that she must be pretty heavily medicated. She hadn't even seemed to notice the beat up shape he was in...maybe that was a good thing. As try as he might though, as she tells him about the day, her words keep playing over in his mind like a pesky fly. "As much as I wanted to say that was true I didn't." She had wanted to say that Jason was her boyfriend? Where had that come from? Had she been doped up while talking with her father too? Jason certainly hadn't seen her that way when he'd left.

He finally sits down in a chair, just listening. As she goes on about his dreams, he almost shuts down. How had she figured that much out? He'd wanted to tell her what was happening, now that things were being finalized...but there wasn't much point at the moment - once she got her senses back, she might not even remember this conversation at all.

Sighing, he opts to slip into a whole new role, forgetting about the morning altogether. He forces a smile, ignoring the subject of what he'd been doing. "Sounds like your day's been going well. I'm glad to hear it. You hungry for any lunch, or have you already eaten?"

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