

Con quirks an eyebrow as Mable and Herb can be plainly heard from the kitchen. He looks to Jamie, finding more amusement than embarrassment in the whole thing. He grins and points his fork at her. “Sit up or I’m gonna get a complex, thinking you’re trying to sink under the table and hide from me.” He tosses her a wink to let her know he doesn’t think a thing of her parents’ chatter, and quickly changes the subject for her sake.

The rest of lunch goes without a hitch, and Con picks up the tab, leaving a tip as he always did. Standing up, he waves to the kitchen. “Thanks, Mable! I’ll drop by again soon.”

Walking Jamie out, they get into his car. Con looks out the windshield to the large front window of the restaurant, knowing that the sun is just right to allow someone to see their silhouettes without detail. “Hey,” he suddenly whispers. “You hear that?” He looks at Jamie with question, cocking his head. He leans over in between the seats, bending his head low to look at the backseat floor. “Listen…” He gestures for her to bend her head down next to his, listening intently. He knows good and well that from inside the restaurant, one would most certainly assume they had their heads together for an entirely different reason, but he keeps a straight face and shrugs. “Hmm…guess it was nothing.” Straightening up, he starts the car, grinning and throwing a wave towards the restaurant, willing to bet that Mable had been watching.

Jason looks at Katie, growing just a little serious. “Katie…everyone has secrets. Sometimes the wounds need to heal before the bandage is taken off to reveal the scar.”
Allowing the shift in conversation, he shrugs, now having changed his mind about saying anything. He can still feel the papers in his back pocket though, and they linger in the back of his mind.
“Eh…my meeting went all right.” He shrugs. “Nothing special to speak of I guess.” He catches her eye, knowing good and well that she knows he’s withholding information, but still unwilling to share. “I suppose I have you to thank for that though,” he adds slyly. He wonders for a moment if when she’d mentioned his dreams, if she really knew what they were. He glances up at the clock. “Well…I’ll stick around here for a bit. Tonight I’ll swing by Con’s then come back here again if you still want the company.”

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