

*Katie opens her eyes at Jason and Kyle's voice. She had become acustom to this kind of waking for some reson or another. Kaite sits up in bed pulling her knees up to her chest and huging them. Shaking her head at the boys.*

"Dont you guys know this is a hospetal. There are sick people trying to sleep."

*Katie cant help but make a silly grin. Perfect. Everything seemed perfect.*

"Do I even really want to know whats going on?"

*Katie beams at the sun shoots through the window signaling a new day.*

*Jamies eyes widen alittle as she nods at Con. Fear being replace by simpathy. Jamie new TJY was everything to Con. Not being there would destroy him.*

"Ok Con lets get ya down town. Everything will be ok."

*Jaime helps Con up and out to the car heading down town.*

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