

While Katie is in the bathroom, Jason quickly changes clothes and is sitting down, lacing up his boots when she returns. He looks up as she mentions them going out to dinner the next day, and a crooked forms. “Maybe we can get some others to come along.” He glances back down at his laces. “If you and Kyle are starting to go together, I’m not going to make the same mistakes I did while you were with Wyatt.” He stands up and slings his backpack over his shoulder, grabbing his motorcycle gloves.

Tossing Katie a smile, he heads for the door. “When you’re in therapy today, see if the doctor knows when you’ll be able to get out of here. Wyatt and I are supposed to go over to Laura’s around lunchtime today to see about that ramp. If I don’t see you earlier, I’ll catch you tonight whenever you get back from dinner.”

Jason heads out the door, but pauses, leaning his head back in to look at Katie. “Thanks for helping me sleep.” He lets his eyes rest on hers for just a moment before disappearing out into the hall.

Con keeps his eyes on the road, but lets his long fingers curl around Jamie’s hand as she takes his. Her touch is gentle and soft, trying to soothe his weariness.

He says nothing on the way to TJY, his memory busy at work, trying to pull up any images or faces from two days prior when he would have been injected with the poison.

Once parked at TJY, Con finally turns his head to look at Jamie. He studies her face, following the curve of her glowing cheeks, and up to her eyes where he stops, letting his gaze linger. The feeling that welled inside of him was the same as it had been two nights ago…frightening, yet calming at the same time.

Con swallows hard, wondering at the past…wondering about the future. Looking into Jamie’s eyes, he wanted to know the answers...he wanted to feel reassured of his own security that he could provide. But there were too many unknowns yet to be faced. In the time span of twenty-four hours, his heart had experienced a change he never thought would occur. In another span of twenty-four hours, his future had been altered. What was God trying to show him?

His grip on Jamie’s hand tightens every so slightly.

“Dang it, Dylan! I told you not to do that!”

Dylan throws his father a piercing glared. “If I’m such a pain, why don’t you just send me away?! I’m sick and tired of sitting around this stupid ranch and listening to you try to make up for the past.” His glare persists. “Why don’t you just accept the fact that we’ll never have that perfect little relationship you’re trying to create?” Spinning on his heel, he stalks out of the barn, kicking the door frame on his way out.

Mick throws his arms in the air, letting out a groan before leaning up against a stall. “Why do I even try?” he mutters. “I should just send him back to his mother where he wants to be.”

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