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*Listing to Jason Katie's heart goes out to her friend. She always had that soft spot for when she new Jason needed her. Listing to Jason Katie new he needed her. Throwing care into the wind She takes Jason's hand and pulls him up to stay. Scooting over on the bed, and smiles and nods next to her her other arm waiting to hold Jason.*

"I know your not going to think this is apropreate for friends to do, but I stop caring what people think and how they look at me. If they have a problem, they can talk to my face about it. Life is to short to worry about whatevery one alse thinks. Just take it as it comes, and worry about tomarrow, tomarrow. Its not like we are doing anything wrong."

*Katie smiles at Jason showing how sincear she was. Being int he accident, geting saved, being stuck in the hospetal, learning how to walk again and meeting her new friends and Con becoming sick showed Katie how short life can be, and how anything can change in an instine.
Katie keeps her voice quiet and soft.*

"Ya, the Con thing was hard. Probley even harder for you since you new him longer, but I know how it felt. Wasent to long ago you were that sick. Its a feeling I would hate to have to reply again anytime soon."

*Katie lets out a small sigh.*

"People get hurt sometimes Jason. We cant live in fear of that and let it run our lifes or we will be misrible. We cant all be hero's. Having friends and loved ones helps. Having a shoulder to lean and cry on. It helps lighten the load. Cuz with friends and the people we love they dont walk behind us, but next to us to help us carry our load."

*Jamie looks at Con worry in her eyes.*

"Ya I have some time Hun. Whats wrong? I am heading to TJY now why dont I take you and just have ya see Rick since he knows whats been going on with you?"

*Jamie A hand on Con's arm searching his eys for an answer to what was wrong.*

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