

Kyle and Jason come to a screeching halt as Katie sits up in bed and they realize that they have an audience.

"No, you don't want to know," Jason rolls his eyes.

Kyle twists his head to look over his shoulder at Katie, his eyes alive with mischief, though veiled with a stranger form of amusement as if he knows something of which he won't speak. "Help!" he laughs. "Call off your guard dog!"

Knowing that Kyle may like to pull stunts but was not mean enough to do anything with the picture he'd taken, Jason finally lets him go, giving him a slap upside the head. "What are you doing here anyway, other than disturbing the peace?"

Phil peers around the corner of the doorway. "Is it safe to come in?"

Kyle rubs the back of his head. "Yeah, but watch this guy. I should have known better than to try to run from someone who works with the FBI." He winks in Katie's direction, having fun with his own joke.

Jason shakes his head an crosses his arms. "So...? What's up?"

"You're not even dressed yet," Kyle points out. "That's what's up. I would have expected you to be out there on your bike rearing to go...you know, like all them fast-action cop movies."

"I am too dressed!" Jason looks down at his stocking feet, jeans and wrinkled t-shirt. "Well...maybe not for today, but I..." He lets his sentence go, in annoyed amusement. "Would you just answer my question?"

"Yeah, but first, how's your friend? Con?"

"Better," Jason nods. "He's going to be okay." He pauses, waiting for Kyle's explanation of him showing up this morning. "Well? Did you need something?"

Phil intervenes. "Kyle was paranoid that after Katie told you about our decision that you would have changed your mind about joining JetStream."

"You kidding me?" Jason raises his eyebrows. "Of course not. If you guys are all in agreement, then I'm in."

"Woo!" Kyle raises his hands in the air. "Then that means you'll play with us in two weeks at the park in Bakerton?"

Jason's eyes light up. "You bet. Set up practice times, and I'm there."

"Good." Kyle looks over to Katie. "I was also coming here to ask Katie to go out with me again today, but alas, my dear boss called me in to work on my day off, so I must resist the company of the lovely lady."

Con is grateful for Jamie's help, and is quiet on their ride downtown. Once reaching the office, they're met by the doctor himself. Retired and now having his own private practice, he knew his handful of patients well, and had known Con for many years, wise enough to not often ask too many questions about how Con had received injuries. He smiles and holds out his hand. "Well good morning, Con. I was just ready to step out for a while, so you caught me just in time. What can I do for you two?"

Con shakes his hand, and tries to be casual. "I, um...if you have time, I need you to check something out for me."

Dr. Bradley studies his face. "You don't look so good."

"Long story."

"I won't ask." Dr. Bradley gives a little smile. "Come on into the back and tell me what you need."

An hour later, the results of several tests are compiled, and Dr. Bradley breaks the news. "I'm sorry, Con. I know you had trouble with that ear once before, but it seemed to heal up okay. Whatever kind of infection you said you just had though, did its job too well. I'm afraid the damage is permanent. You're not going to hear anything out of that ear..."

...Con sinks down in the passenger seat of Jamie's car, his mind reeling. His body is tired, simply from being sick, and this added stress creates a new exhaustion. "I can't tell Reese," he says quietly. "I can't..he'll take me off duty...he won't want me on the field, much less continue as Austin's bodyguard." He thinks back to all the years he'd watched Austin's back...all the years he'd been able to go out on cases. Though some might think a hearing loss in one ear wouldn't be that big of a deal, it could be the difference between life and death when his job was to protect someone else. "...what am I going to do, Jamie?"

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