

*Katie cant help but looks a bit disapointed but trys to mask it all she could.*

"J, Kyle are I are just friends right now. Neather of us have even talked about dating or anything so you shouldent feel like your runing anything ok. But if you want other people to come with us tomarrow for dinner thats fine. Maybe Jamie and Con, or something."

*Katie holds her smile to Jason. Leting her eyes stair into Jason's.*

"I will ask when I got today. I hope they say I can soon, I'll find out who the band can talk to as well about waiting to play at the fundraiser. I think it will be fun."

*As Jason turns to head on the door Katie call after him.*

"Anytime J, you know that. Hey find out from Reese too when I get my power to fly."

*Katies lets out a giggle.*

*Jamie feels Con's hand tighten around her. Instintively her squeeze alittle more reasuring Con she is there for him. Looking deep into his eyes she trys her best to relay what she is feeling.*

"Everything has a reson and a time, God wont give you anything you cant handle."

*Lets out a sigh she gives him a smile and a small kiss on the cheek.*

"Ready? I'll be with ya everystep of the way."

*Steping out from one of the stalls Rosetta smiles and comes up behind Mick puting her arms around him.*

"Cuz he is your son and you love him. You do want to make up for lost time and wish he would see your trying. Though he is a at that age where he dosent want to listen. But something tells me in his young heart he does want to love you Mick. He is just scaired of geting hurt. Give him time Mick. He'll come around...trust me..his father did."

*Rosetta gives Mick s warm smile and a soft kiss. Mick, the bard, the horsed, nice weather=pricless.*

*Wes pulls himself from under a truck and smiles as he turns the key.*

"Purrs like a kitten."

*Shuting it off again Wes takes the keys and heads to where he last saw Clint. Clearing his throt as to not scaire him Wes throws the keys to him.*

"Mr. Frank will be coming to pick up his truck in about an hour. Here are his keys. I am heading out for the day I need to go to the lumber yard and order the wood to start Cindy and I's house. I'd like to have it finished before winter."

*Wes beams as he talks about the house and turns to head out only to spin back around and his heels.*

"Oh hey Clint I was wondering, would you like to be one of the grooms in my wedding?"

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