

Enjoying the next hour with Gunner was easy. They sheared jokes, laughed and just plan enjoyed themselves. It was nice to see the smile on Gunner's face and here the laughter that was laced in his voice it made Bree feel good.

Just lookin into the telescope Bree looks up at the amazing sky. Noticing a few things she had read from Gunner's book and a few others the Gunner had pointed out to her. She caught on fast with how to use the telescope and she found it fun.

Hearing Gunner say he found it and stand Bree was a little confused seeing he had a paper in hand. Standing as well she goes over to him leaning back to look at the sky. Though she was confused she couldnt help but be excited as well.

"What? What am I look at here?"

Squinting she continues to look up at the stars a small smile forms on Bree's face wondering what Gunner was talking about and waiting for an explanation.

Being bulled onto the ground to look up at the sky it felt much better than pulling her head back so far. Staying close to Gunner Bree enjoyed being here and all other worrys seemed to melt away. It was nice to have someone to spend time with and looking to the stars would never have been something she would of done alone.

Following Gunner's hand as it was streached the sky Bree looked at each on he pointed out. About to ask him what it was called she was cut off as if he new she was going to say something. Hearing the name of the cluster Bree turned her head to Gunner quickly proping herself up on her elbows.

"You...named the stars after be? But...why?"

Bree couldnt help but be a little surprised. She hadnt though she done anything to deserve that. She couldnt help the feeling she felt inside, it was strange but it felt good. Bree's eyes twinkle in the moonlight.

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