

If she had to choose... Gunner bites his lip again. Shifting, he lets go of her hand so he can turn on to his side and look her in the face. He was a little closer than intended. But even though were so totally awkward right now, for some reason, he really didn't feel embarrassed. Maybe it was because he knew the awkwardness was being shared and it wasn't just him.

Studying Bree's eyes would have been hard, had it not been for the moonlight. "I don't know." The corner of his mouth quirks. "You've been more than a friend to me... but... that's different."

A cool breeze begins to blow, bringing a chill to the air. But Gunner didn't mind. Anything to keep him from being locked in his room. His hair blows a little, but he doesn't bother to straighten it, still studying Bree. "Do you... want to be? I'm crazy, ya know."

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