
Unknown Future

Carson watches Misty leave, and doesn’t move for a long while. He loved the feelings she evoked… but it also created a conflict within himself. He wasn’t used to battling between right and wrong.

Finally standing, Carson heads upstairs to the kitchen. He wasn’t all that hungry, but knew he should at least eat a little bit of something if he could find it.

…Carson rubs the sleep from his eyes and sits up with a yawn. He looks at his watch. If people hadn’t started to arrive to work already, they would soon. Glancing down, he realizes that he’s got two files with him that he’d found in Jason’s office last night, that he probably shouldn’t be found with.

Forcing himself to get up, he grabs some clean clothes along with the files and heads upstairs. Placing the papers back where they belong, he then heads for the shower.

Con unzips his duffel bag and sets it on his bed as he begins to find clothes to pack. He wasn’t sure how long he’d be gone…so it was hard to judge how much he should take… but no matter what, he knew he’d be taken care of, so it wasn’t a great concern. Besides that, it was only three hours away.

Laura makes her way into TJY with a yawn. She tosses her purse onto her desk then scans the floor, spotting Nate at his own desk. Making a beeline for him, she stops and gives him a small smile. “Mornin’ Nate.” She leans against the cubicle. “You wouldn’t be in the mood to do me a really, really big favor would you?”

She cocks her head, giving him puppy eyes. “See, Con is gonna leave town today or tomorrow…and Jamie’s already gone, so that means I’ll be taking care of things for her instead of Con. However…” She grimaces. “I don’t do snakes. I can pick up the mail and make sure everything is fine in the house, but taking care of Ed just isn’t something I find appealing. So…”

Laura resumes her pleading look. “You wouldn’t be so kind as to take care of Ed, would you? I was planning on going over to Jamie’s over my lunch breaks every day, so if we wanted to make one trip out of it, we could. Otherwise, I can get you a key.”

Wyatt strolls past Katie’s cubicle, throwing her a wry grin. “Starting riding to work with Laura again, huh? My jeep automatically swung by your place today, but then made me feel slightly stupid when I remembered Laura had her car again.” He chuckles. “How ya doing this morning, Hero?”

Jason paces his small cell, not even knowing what time it was. The light from a window down the hall hinted that it was mid-morning, and his instincts told him as such, but it was hard to tell for sure.

His mind wanders in a million directions at once. He hadn’t slept a bit the night before, and he was tired of thinking of all these things, but it was as if he could not longer control his brain.

Thoughts of the future invaded his mind. What did the future look like? It was so hard to tell. He wanted to believe Lockheart…he knew she’d try her hardest to get him out of here…. It was the only thing he had to hang onto. Tomorrow they’d find out how long he’d have to wait until court… It could be a month…six months…even longer. Jason hated to think that if the Agency was involved here, just how much they’d love to see him sit here for an extended period of time, waiting for the trial. But had to have hope in something…

Jason flops down on the hard bed, tired of pacing. Lockheart hadn’t said what time she’d be here today…

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