
Days events

*Nate laughs at Laura's comment.*

"Nope I probley wouldent have said no anyways cuz while I was reading the email I'd see your pritty face in my head."

*Nate taps his temple and smiles.*

"Ok sounds like a plane to me. I look forward to it."

*Katie smiles at Wyatt.*

"Thank you Wy for everything. You ever need anything feel free to seek me out as well ok."

*Kaite goes back to her paper work trying to revert her mind. How she missed Jason. Looking twords his office. It was hard knowing he wasent there. Standing Katie makes her way to Jason's office. Sliping slowly inside she shuts the door behind her. Katie could still smell Jason in the room. and it made her miss him more. Walking over to the pictures Katie gazes at them. Con, Jason and Laura smiling back at her. Some of just Jason and Con or Jason and Laura. They seemed so happy. What happend to those days. Katie hadent known everyone then, but Jason had been happy, Con had been happy. Now everything felt so empty. Drawing away from the pictures Katie makes her way to Jason's desk. Running her fingers along the wood till they get to the leather desk chair. Siting down in it Katie leans on Jason's desk. Lost in thought. *

*Misty looks up from her book cocking a sassy smile at Carson laying a hand on his arm and drawing herself alittle closer.*

"Ya I also know something alse that is bad for my health but that dosent stop me from being close to it."

*Misty holds her sassy smile gazing deep into Carson dazzling blue eyes.*

*Lockheart keeps her smile at Jason and pulls out some papers.*

"Ok...I'll read this as though your the jury. I stayed up till 3 writing this so if its crap dont be to harsh ok."

*Lockheart scans the papers and than puts on her convincing profestional tone locking eyes with Jason. Reading as though she would to the jury on Jason court day.*

“Jason and Katie were in the wood behind Katie’s aunts ranch looking for one of there friends. She had gone missing and there was talk that some thugs had been seen hanging out around that part. Heading through the woods Mr. Stevenson and Miss. Pent came across an old abanded house and checked it out. Coming to find out there friend was inside, Miss. Pent and Mr. Stevenson took action. Mr. Stevenson stood guard as Miss. Pent slipped through a window. Seeing as her frame is small she could do it with ease. After a few moments Miss. Pent and her friend emerged from the basement of the house and made there way back to were Mr. Stevenson was. One of the thugs happened to spot them drawing his gun, Mr. Steveson new if he dident act Katie would be dead this very moment. Another thug appeared and he took one shot at Miss. Pent catching her in the arm. As you see judge from the report you have on your desk from when Miss. Pent was in the hospital. I believe she was in the care of Dr.Timble and Dr. Lachey.”

*Lockheart pulls out some more papers and pushes them twords Jason. They were signed documents from JT, and Angel when they both had taken care of Katie.*

“I had these faxed to me lastnight. JT, and Angel were both very happy to help and wish you the best btw.”

*Lockheart smiles and the clears her throt finishing up what she had written.*

“At any rate The thug armed his gun once again at the fallen Katie. If Mr. Stevenson hadent shot him, Katie would again be the one dead now. So what this boils down ladys and gentalmen, good people of the jury is Mr. Stevenson was in face protecting an important people that if it was not for him would not be in this court room today. In a split second Mr. Stevenson had to act and all he could think of was that he couldent let Miss. Pent die. It wasent her time. He did what probley any one of us would do to save someone we care about life.”

*Finishing Lockheart sits watching Jason waiting for his reaction.*

*Wendy cant help but laugh as she enters the shop and hears Clint. Following his voice she finally finds him.*

"Having problems again are we? or are you just being a drama queen...er...king?"

*Wendy flops down in Wes desk chair and rolls it closer to Clint kicking his foot playfuly.*

*Rosetta hurrys around the spair bedroom in the mess hall cleaning up BJ's toys before Jamie got there. All the bunk houses were full at the moment and this was the only free on. Rosetta figured BJ could sleep with her in the little extra bedroom she had in the office. Rosetta changes the linen, and opens the windows to freshen up the room. cleaning off the sills and whiping down the counters. Trying to make the room look as comfortable as she can.*

*Angel spots Luke and runs up along next to him.*

"Missed you at breakfest today. How ya feeling hun?"

*Angel dident need to ask she new he was hurting he always did when the weather changed. But she asked him anyways. Slipping her hand in his she trys to give hims some saport suttaly*

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