

Carson doesn’t feel like arguing for once, and slips the locket into his pocket, planning to try and give it back again later.

He lets Misty bandage up his hand, not saying much. He doesn’t even know what he could say. He wishes that the whole day had never happened…he wishes he hadn’t been stupid…he wishes….

When she’s finished, he looks down, fingering the fresh bandage. “Thanks.”

At a loss for anything else, he simply turns and leaves the infirmary, heading to the spare room where he avoids contact with anyone for the rest of the day.

Everyone at the ranch welcomes Jamie warmly, making her feel at home. Even Pete comes from the lookout to say hi, though he’s a bit of an outsider himself, not often coming onto the ranch property.

By evening, things are settling down again, and night falls to gently draw everyone to sleep.

Morning dawns clear. A new day with new expectations, new hopes, new perspectives. For those in Texas, it meant building a friendship with a newcomer and learning new things. For those in Nevada, it meant new chances, and news of the future.

Jason is pulled roughly from the small room and squints in the light. His eyes burned, his body felt as though he’d been run over by a truck. His wrists were red and chaffed, his knuckles indeed skinned from the day before. He hadn’t received any supper or breakfast, and he’s growing weaker, needing food…needing sugar. But he hasn’t the energy to fight…he can only follow the guard numbly.

“You’re lawyer is here, kid. Be grateful her presence got you out of the room.”

Getting shoved into the private room, Jason stops, still trying to let his focus adjust. Dark circles outline his bloodshot eyes, his shoulders drooping from weariness. Spying Lockheart, he’s unsure if this is a good thing or a bad thing… But he thinks he remembers planning this meeting before the preliminary hearing that would be in just a couple hours.

Swallowing hard to try and bring some moisture to his own mouth, Jason sinks down in the other chair and leans forward to rest his head on the table, too exhausted to even greet his attorney.

Carson stares up at the ceiling. He knew it was getting late. He knew he was avoiding people. Reese had already checked on him once to let him know that by that afternoon Susanne would have that desk ready for him. But he’d been avoiding people. He was still confused about the day before…he didn’t know how to act…he didn’t know how to feel.

Carson had hibernated in the spare room all morning, wishing to see no one. But he’d have to leave eventually…

He looks at the clock. It was almost lunchtime. His stomach reminded him that he’d eaten nothing since lunch the day before. But he didn’t want to get out of this room…he didn’t want to face people…

Rolling onto his side on the bed, he knows good and well that he particularly didn’t want to face Misty. He just didn’t know what to say to her or how to act. He’d messed up big time and just didn’t know how to fix things.

Con looks at the clock in his car. He’d made good time since leaving home mid-morning. He’d told only Laura that he was leaving…the more he thought about it, the more he knew it was a good idea only she knew. With the Agency on the prowl, the less people that knew, the better, even Jamie. He’d talked to her that morning and was glad she was at the ranch and settling in. He hoped that her talk with everyone went well…it was going to be quite the news to several people there…

The drive is long, but before he knows it, his destination comes into view on the deserted country road.

As he drives slowly up the gravel drive, he’s greeted by several whinnying horses from their pasture on the left, and strange looks from the small herd of cows on the right. His window open, he can smell the sweet scent of the farm, and takes a deep breath, letting the scents envelope him in memories for just a moment.

Parking near the house, he spies several kids playing ball in the yard, and guesses the adults are in the house. It’s near lunchtime – otherwise the kids would probably be in the barns or out and about instead.

Getting out and shutting the door, the kids turn around at the sound. Hesitating a moment, their eyes widen and suddenly they break into a run. “Uncle Con!”

Ten-year-old Jake is the first to reach him. Con’s mouth spreads into a smile. The kids were actually his cousin’s children, but he’d gained the title of “uncle” anyway just because of his age. It hadn’t been quite a year since he’d seen the family, and apparently the kids remembered the last visit.

Bending over, he catches Jake’s racing form, easily sweeping him up and slinging him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Jake shrieks and laughs, his head hanging down Con’s back. “Let me go!” he giggles.

“Oh, no. I’ve got you now, I’m gonna keep you,” Con teases.

“Hi, Unca Con.”

Con looks down at the quiet voice to his right, not having realized that Mindy had caught up to him already too. She would be six by now, and her big blue eyes looked up at Con with a shy excitement. “Well, look who’s here. Another captive!” Balancing Jake on one side, with no trouble, Con is able to bend over, lifting Mindy up to cradle her in his other arm, though much gentler than his hold on her squirming brother.

“Con!” Seth, the middle sibling at nine, reaches him, already laughing and reaching up to try and rescue his brother.

Con laughs. “I’ve already got these two under control. How do you expect to take me on too?”

Seth backs up and giggles. “I’ll show you.” Before Con can react, the lightweight boy steps up onto the picnic table and reaches out to latch onto Con for a piggy back ride.

Con can’t help his laughter as he slowly steps towards the house, Jake and Seth squealing and laughing while Mindy giggles, enjoying the ride.

“Uncle Con!”

Con’s eyes widen as nine and ten year old Keith and Michaela, cousins to his current captives come racing around the corner of the house. “Oh, no!”

Somehow the two manage to squeeze in hugs before joining in the attack on Con, for some reason all deciding he shouldn’t be let into the house.

Con’s strength and size though, makes it difficult for them, despite his arms being full. By the time he gets halfway to the porch, Keith and Michaela have a hold on both his legs and are being dragged one step at a time across the lawn. Screams and laughter echoes through the ranch yard.

Suddenly the front screen door of the house flies open. “What on earth is…” The older woman’s voice trails off as she spies the mass of children. “My word. Conrad Gibbs, what have you done to these kids?!”

Before she can stop it, five-year-old Haley slips past her, bounding off the porch and running straight for the others, running pell-mell into Con to wrap a hug around his leg.

Con’s eyes widen and he looks to his aunt Paula with sheepish enjoyment as a laugh escapes. “Help!”

“Alright, alright, children,” Paula chides loudly but gently, clapping her hands. “Let the poor man go.”

“But he’s our prisoner!”

Paula puts her hands on her hips. “Even prisoners deserve mercy. And besides that, lunch is ready. So get on inside and wash your hands.”

All the siblings and cousins let go to race for the house. Con sets Mindy down gently, and lets Jake slide to the ground with a thud, watching them all scramble to see who gets to the sink first.

Paula looks at Con for several moments, a smile starting to spread. “I told Dan when he sent you that letter that you would probably show up.”

Con shrugs and ambles to the porch, hooking his hands in his pockets. “You know me well.”

“I also told him that it was mean of him not to just outright ask you to come so you wouldn’t feel guilty for not calling like I knew you wouldn’t.”

Con can’t help his laugh, and steps up onto the porch to lean down and give his aunt a big hug. “You know me too well.”

Paula chuckles and returns the hug. “How are you doing, Con?”

“Mm…” Con withdraws, pursing his lips. “I needed to get away. Uncle Dan’s letter just gave me the prime out that I needed. I figured since he said he was putting up a new outbuilding and making hay that he could use a hand. Not to mention I enjoy the zoo around here.”

“Oh yes, it’s quite a zoo at the moment. I’m sure Dan mentioned that we convinced your cousins to take a vacation together – the three of them with their spouses, and without the kids, so it was up to us to volunteer taking them on.” Paula smiles, then studies his face, unasked questions in her eyes. “And how is Laura?”

“She’s doing well.” Con is glad for the shift in subjects. “Got a roommate now – sweet girl, Katie. Laura enjoys the company.”

“Well…” Paula nods her head towards the door. “Dan and I have a house full of grandkids to feed. If I know you, you’ll help me get rid of the mess of spaghetti I made.”

Con laughs. “Every time I come, I eat you out of house and home.”

“And you know I love every minute of it.” Paula’s eyes dance. “How long are you staying?”

“Until you kick me out.”

Paula gives his arm a teasing slap. “Well, just get yourself inside for now and eat supper. Oh, and you haven’t seen little Sadie yet have you? She’s eighteen months now and my word, she’s a ball of energy.”

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