
The Words

*Carson starlts Misty out of the transe she was in causing her to jump alittle. Looking down at the counter for a long moment Misty relizes something she did without even relizing it. Turning around she keeps her eyes down. Misty places a plate where Carson usaly sits. Its contains a grilled cheese sandwitch.*


*Misty turns back around at the counter stairing down at the other sandwitch she had made for herself. She dident know what alse to say.*

*As the news of Jason's court date is thrown out Lockheart is stuned. Five days. How was this possable this was never hurd of.*

"Five days? How are you guys geting away with this?"

*Lockhearts eyes drift to the panicing Jason as he calls her name. Lockheart goes to Jason as he is pulled away stoping the baliff for a moment.*

"Jason, stay calm. I will stop by the Jail after I take Katie home and explain everything to you ok. Everything is gonna be ok."

*As Jason emotions highten, Katie's mind races. Jason...She had to go to him...they were taking him away from her. Pushing through the crowd Katie step over the wall and runs to Jason. Pushing past Lockheart she throws her arms around him not being able to controll her tears she just lets them free.*

"Jason...I love you. No matter what happens I always will and dont your dare forget it EVER JASON....Your gonna get out of here...."

*Katie gives Jason a long kiss on the lips to match her feelings.*

*Lockheart lets Katie stay for a moment than takes her hand trying to pull her away. Katie resists keeping her lips locked with Jason's. Lockheart puts her arm around Katie's waist as she pulls her away.*

"Katie we have....to go now.."

*The tears keep falling from Katie's eyes as she trys to hold on to Jason.*

"No...No...Jason...Let go of me."

*Finally Lockheart gets Katie outside. She new this was going to be hard on her but she dident exspect to happen what did. Helping Katie to the car Lockheart lets out a long sigh.

The ride back to Katie's is long and quiet. Katie's mind on Jason and Lockhearts on the case and resons.*

*Jamie nods to Mick and smiles taking the last sip of her coffee.*

"Thx Mick. I'm going to finish geting ready for the day. than if you wanna let everyone know over Lunch we can all talk."

*Jamie puts her mug in the sink and heads back into her room.*

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