
Forget it

Carson fights with himself as he feels Misty’s touch. He wants to stop. He wants to look her in the eye. But his stubbornness wins out.

“Forget it. I just lost the job anyway, so you don’t have anything to worry your pretty little had about. It’s back to the brig with my sorry butt.”

He sidles around a trash bin in the alleyway, finally stealing a sidelong glance at Misty. “I told you not to trust me, and you wouldn’t listen. It’s high time you realized that I just don’t fit into this crowd.”

Carson wipes his hand on his jeans again, ignoring the pain of the cuts. He looks both ways before crossing the street, relieved to see his duffle bag still where he’d left it. “Now if you know what’s good for you, you’ll go inside, get Rick to patch you up, and from now on stay away from me.”

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