

*Katie searches Jen's face for a moment. Her words were strong and she help a good tone but her eyes, they showed something different. Katie wasn't sure what or why it was but it was there non the less. Finally turning away she gives a nod.*

"Yeah could you? He's been acting kind of strange I just wanna make sure he's ok. I had a funny feeling."

*Katie looks away for a moment scanning the little hospital room. Everything was so strange and she felt so out of place not being able to remember anything.*

"So, the shows are going good than? Have I...have I gone to any?"

*The little bell on Mom and Pop's rings and Misty steps in out of the rain. Her hair was wet and matted down to her head but she gives a little shake to shake some of the water out. Coming up to the counter and sits on the stool and gives a wave to Mable and Aerith. Than seeing Carson she grin grows as she calls.*

"Hey Herb, whos the new guy? He's pretty cute."

*Misty give a little wave to Carson and than orders a milkshake and searches over the menu.*

*Jamie smiles back at Scott. It wasent her intention to make him feel like no one needed him.*

"Of course I'll still need you and so will everyone alse. What will we do if your netword ever goes down. A small printer is easy but something like that oh boy."

*Jamie cant help but laugh and she continues to the door. As Scott stops her Jamie turns and searchs her friends face. She wasent sure what to say. She couldent tell him it would be alright because even though it would the pain would be there and in his own time he would have to get over it. But maybe Jamie could offer some words that would sooth him somehow or at least offer Scott comfort.*

"Well if it was me, I'd keep my chin up and know God has a plan. Its better to love and lose than to never love at all right? I mean if Con was to leave me tomarrow I would be heart broken indeed but I would have to thank God and be happy that I got a chanse to love Con for alittle bit. He's changed my life in so many ways and helped learn so many new things. "

*Jamie leans aganst the door for a moment just thinking. It was hard losing the ones you loved. When you think things are good and that are really working out. Only to turn around one day and have it all be gone. It wasent a good feeling.*

"I know everyone had told you this and I guess you can add me to the bunch now too but trust me I know in the end everything is going to be ok. I've been there I know."

*Jamie gives a smile and a pat to Scott's arm only hoping she comforted him alittle.*

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