
Sorry I waited

*Katie smiles and laughs as Kyle's and the other anticks continue. Who could not laugh. Smiling at Jen she nods.*

"Yeah I was quite saprised I could when Jason told me. It was strange, but dont worry you will again soon to. I know it. and Kyle dont worry I will be at the next show. I have to protect you guys and that boy of mine. I bet all the ladys are after him."

*Katie beams at Jen and than looks around the room relizing Jason wasent there.*

"Huh, I figured J would come in with you guys. Maybe he went to work first?"

*Katie pushes her tray away from her proving she was done with her meal. She suddanly felt sick and if she eat anymore she would probley throw it up. Hearing a name she wasent familure with she cocks her head slightly.*

"Who's Camryn?"

*Herb continues to work as he listens to Carson. Moving about the kitchen He keeps on task but talks over his shoulder.*

"Your only a scoundrel if you keep telling yourself you are. We are what we make ourselfs and what other make of us. But the most important think to remember is we are what God makes us. Once you forgive yourself and than ask him to forgive you Carson. Life will start to have a brighter side."

*Herb starts to roll some meatballs and places them in a plastic container to cook later.*

"Lets see today is Wensday so that means its mealball sub day. You remember how make the sause? You can make it if you want."

*Jamie pushes over Scott's door and steps in offering a small smile.*

"Hey Scott, I just stop because...well because I wanted to let you know no matter what I'm glad your here and you have you own office. Just wouldent be the same around here without you. Sorry I wanted so long to say it."

*Jamie starts to turn again and than stops.*

"If you ever just...need to talk I'm here. Oh btw my printer was jamed but guess what? I fixed it myself. I figured you would apresheate that."

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