
Hope, Goodbyes, Comfort

*Jamie slightly turns her head as Jason leans agasnt the bumper of the truck. Jamie isent sure who but following the pressence of Jason she felt a bit of comfort. They both had many people they could lean to for the arms of sympathy and yet...they both felt so alone, but knowing someone was there, Con's best friend seemed to offer just enough to lighten the load alittle.*

Night comes and the moonlight alluminating the two still figures in the parking lot of the construction site.

*For a long while Jamie stays on the hood knowing Jason is close. Though at the night gets later she slips from the hood laying a weary hand on Jasons shoulder she goes over to the passanger side and opens the door. Reaching in Jamie pulls out Con's hoodie she new would be there and slips it on. His sent still pressent. Slipping into the trust Jamie shuts the door. A few tears fall from her eyes again as she closes them. The smell of Con filling her nose as memories over flow her mind till finally exsaustion takes over and she falls asleep.*

Morning comes but not soon enough. Beckoning those to wake and the day. No matter what it was to hold. Some old hope, some old fear, other are ready to say goodbye to those held close to them.

*As the morning light peeks over the harizon and shines in the truch window Jamie opens her eyes with a start fearing she might of missed something. Opening the truck door and steping out Jamie scans the sit looking, hoping but only still see people working to clean the area. Her heart sinks again. Looking down at Jason who was awake leaning aganst the tire she sighs. Still waiting Con hoodie Jamie leans aganst the door her eyes glues once again to the work site the car the pulled up going un notices.

As Katie pulls into the construction site with Scott she spots Jason's bike and than see the two figure by Con's truck. Giving a nod to Scott.*

"Yeah there is Jason. He must of come to spend the night with Jamie and make sure she was ok."

*Parking the car Katie gets out and walks over with Scott where the other two were. Folding her arms across her chest Katie stands stairing watching the resuce team. Her hope was dwindling, and no matter who she dident want to and how much it hurt, she was ready to say goodbye to her brother.

Nate silently drives with Laura to work. His hand wraped in her. Its was another day and though work seemed slow and almost non exsistint is was something to occupie the time. The last few days Nate had spend as much time as he could with Laura. Being the shoulder she needed. Doing everything he could to keep her company. Seeing her so said, and seeing the tears in her eyes tore at Nate's very soul.*

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