
Cry for you

*Jamie sits for a long while not moving. Her tears still streeming from her eyes as her voice become muffled almost mummbled.*

"I cant leave, I have to be here for Con. He has to know I'm here."

*Katie lets go of Jamie and moves around to the front of her tilting her head up. Katie eyes show compashen and worry of there own. Her own heart felt broken that Con was down there, her tears wanted to come but she held them back for Jamie's sake.*

"Jamie....Con know you love him, and your with him in his heart. You know if when he gets out of there is he were to find out we let you stay here he would hang us. Like Scott said the best thing we can do is get out of the way and just let them work. Con's gonna be ok Jamie. Come on...lets get back to work."

*Katie stands and nods for Scott to take Jamie arm on the other side and help her up. Finally Jamie gives in and stands slowly making her way to the car with the two others. Everything was spinning and her head felt realy to explode. Turning her head Jamie looks back again at the desaster another tear rolls down her cheek finally geting into the car.*

*Gently Nate reaches out and takes Laura's hands in his. Trying to put his fingers between hers to stop her from pushing her ingers into her palm and hurting herself. Nate's hands were calsed and rough from working with them so much that he new it would take alot before she could hurt him. Taking his other free hand Nate puts it around Laura offering her shelter.*

"Its going to be ok Laura. We have to stay strong. Its takes alot of put a dent in a tank. They are gonna find him."

*Nate continues to hold Laura gently rocking with her trying his best to give her comfort. Nate felt horrable and couldent even start to imagen what she was going thought. If it had been Maggie in something close to this situation he would be the same way. All he could do was offer her an arm and shelter. Be there for when she needed him.*

"God will keep Con safe Laura. Its in his hands and it will be ok."

*Misty looks up at Carson for a long moment taking in everything he said. A bit saprised by some of the stuff Carson was saying. *

"Why would Frankie bring up Ashlyn? I dident even know he new her. I dont even understand why he would bother saying anything about her. As for him geting angry, I've never seen him even yell before. Maybe his jail time changed him just like is changed Jason but caused him to have more of a temper. I..."

*Misty thinks again for a long moment looking away from Carson and taping her pencil on the desk. Than looking back to him she stands leting out a long sigh.*

"Thank you for looking out for me Carson. It means alot. You've a long way, and I'm happy to have you at my side looking out for me. You make me feel safe. I promise if I see Frankie again I will be carfel and I will let you know where we are going and when. I'll make sure I keep my phone with me as well and if anything fishy happens I will make sure you call you ok? "

*Misty smiles up at Carson and puts her arms around his neck. Leaning in close to him her grin widens as her eyes sparkle and dance. Pressing her lips to his Misty shows her thanks not minding the extra spark of sweetness as well.*

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