
Off guard

Taken off guard for a moment with Leo's comment about Axel and Jess she just looks at him for a second. Not sure what she should say or think. Finally finding he words Jess is about to contest and conferm that Axel was not her boyfriend but its to late Leo was already yelling to Axel. Just letting it be for now Jess drops what she was going to say. If it was braught up again it would be corrected.

Handing over her keys to Leo Jess makes her way to the office entering and sitting down.

As the short time pass Jess thumbs thought a few magazeans before finally looking up again and seeing Axel walks twards the office. A smile coming to her face. Watching him Jess just listens letting his words hit her ears. At fist the words are warm and she can't help but laugh just a little as she knows she has been found out. But soon Axel's words seem to turn cold and almost feel like ice. Letting her eyes drift up for a moment Jess looks into Axel's. Something was differnt, was it his mood, was he upset with her, irratated? But it was almost like a completely differnt person now stood infront of her.

As Axel rips off the paper and holds it out to Jess she flinches as if almost exspecting something more to come. Looking up again and seeing the paper slowly with a trembaling hand Jess takes it. Standing she grabs her jacket.

"I'm....I....Thanks for working on my car."

Trying to hold her head tall Jess leaves the office making her way to the front desk. A new form of emotions held tight to her, she felt embarassed. How silly she was to think using her car was a good way to see Axel. He was right she should of just asked.

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