

*Jess gives a small nod to Carson and smiles.*

"Ok sounds good. I look forward to seeing you both a little later tonight than."

*Standing Jess clears the plates and puts away some of the left overs before joining Carson at the door to see him off. Leaning in Jess gives him a quick kiss and smiles.*

"Thank you for the company."

*Angel gives a nod to Mick and leaves the room with great hast getting a hold of Wendy, than Rosetta and last Jeff. Once everyone is gathered and BJ is taken care of Angel starts the sergary with great hast. Jeff works with Angel as Rosetta sits and waits. Considering the delicasey of the situation Angel though it best she sat this on out.*

Sometimes when the people we love are in parel, weather we have controll over what happens, or we don't....

*Katie sits at her desk most of TJY quiet. She should be home, but she had to know, she had to find more information that said if Scott was alive or not. Doing her own file searching and doing her own computer searching Katie new she didn't quite know what she was doing but she had to try. There was no way she could give up, if Scott was alive he needed them.*

...a minute could seem like hours, and hours like days, days like weeks, and weeks like years. Time slipping through our fingers, as the click ticks and we race to do what we can...

"Jeff, give me that clamp state the artery isn't cooperating. Come on...hurry."

*Angel continues the work racing the clock. A few things had gone wrong but nothing to major. Still, time we of thee essence and to much time gone by could be fatil.*

...time, why was it our enemy, why was it our friend. The moment time was dreaded but soon, soon the sky would open up and time, time would no longer matter as those who were loved were together again, as life moved on and our friends stood by our side...

*Seeing the light on in Katie's cubicle still Dalton slowly make his way over not wanting to startle her. Looking in Katie's head was rested on the desk as a small dog was cuddled at her feet. Paper works spread out and her computer beeping. Fast asleep one could tell Katie was dreaming.

Gently Dalton enters and shuts the computer off before gives Katie a small shake.*

"Kit Kat, its almost 10. You should head home."

*Lifting her head with a jerk and a start Katie looks up at Dalton and than to her computer that was now shut off. She must of fallen a sleep. Grabing some paper work and a pen Katie continues to stair at the paper.*

"I can't, I'm not tired. I have to do this."

*Looking down on Katie with consern in his eyes he shakes his head before laying a hand on her shoulder. Dalton didn't offten show compation, and wasnt always friendly but something about Katie, just something about her cut through his hard shell and touch the small softness in his heart.*

"Your not going to be any good to anyone Kit Kat like this. You are tired. Go home, get some sleep, come back and work on it more tomarrow."

*Giving a sleepy nod Katie puts the papers in her desk and lets out a tired sigh standing.*

"I guess your right Hulk. Thanks."

*Grabbing her bag and picking up Domino along with her faverote chew toy Katie makes her way out of TJY.

Hey J, you up for come company?*

*Splashing water on her face and than drying it Angel gives a nod to Jeff.*

"Thanks for the help. Sometimes I would wonder what I would do without your help."

*Giving a smile Angel makes her way out from the back and to where Rosetta was sitting. Giving her friend a soft pat on the shoulder she nods.*

"Mick is going to be ok Rosetta. We had a few complacations, and some setbacks but we worked through it and he is resting now. If you want to go in and see him you can but he probley will be out of it from the anistedic for a little bit."

*Rosetta stands and gives Angel a hug. She was so thankful for her friends help and for her presence here at the ranch. Over the years there had been so many misshapes and things that had happend that Rosetta wasnt sure if any of them would still be here if it had not been for Angel.*

"Thank you!"

*Breaking away from Angel Rosetta makes her way down the hall and to the room where Mick was resting. Walking over to his bedside Rosetta leans out and gives him a soft kiss on the forhead. Pulling a chair up next to the bed she sits and interlocks her hand with him just holding it.

Her heart starting to stop its rappid beat as the fear starts to fade knowing now Mick was ok. No matter how many times someone got hurt, no matter how many spills where taken Rosetta would always worry.

But now Mick was ok and that is what matter. She'd stay with him for a little while till he was to wake so he did not have to be alone.*

...the people who mattered, the ones who always saw us through and loved us endlessly, those were the people that would be with us till the end of time. The ones who would always stand by our side and help us heal. Those were the ones that gave us hope and would carry on our legacy to the next.

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