

Bringing a pen to her lips Jess acts as thought she is thinking as a grin forms on her lips.

"Noon at Mom and Pop's...I think I can pencil you in. I shall see you than."

Taking the package Jess places it on the desk and gives a small laugh before sitting down and continuing her work.

Continuing to listen to Ryder Katie cant help but brisle as he evades her question. She didnt like how this felt at all.

Glancing at Carson for a moment as he starts in with his own questions Katie becomes more uneasy but trys to controll her own emotions to not make anyone go haywire.

"Dodging questions, and answering questions with questions is not a good way to make someone trust you, you know."

As Carson makes his quick movment twords Ryder and there little tiff goes on Katie is out of her own chair ready to take action if needed. Seeing Ryder back up and noticing the shotgun in the courner Katie goes for her own gun but it to late before the shotgun is pointed at them. Backing up a few steps and looking at Jason and than Ryder again with a bit of confustion but as the shotgun is finally lowered Katie relaxed just a little.

Watching Ryders every movment and listening to ever word Katie feels a bit better around him but not completely. Knowing for now though that she had to trust him she sits back down.

"Nope no more questions for now, but I will be keeping my eye on you. Carson I trust even if he was with the Angecy I have seen his good side. You...I dont know you worth a lick, tred lightly and gain my trust and we might pull this off."

Leaning back just a little bit in her chair Katie continues.

"DON'T double cross me though, I dont take kindly to that not when someone who is close to me life is on the line. For now, you have a bit of my trust."

Katie can't help the grin that formed on her face though there was turth behind her eyes.

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