
Try again

Finishing up the dishes Katie whipes her hands off on the towel and turns looking around the room for a moment. Seeing Carson looking over the blueprints Katie figures later or tomarrow she would look at them herself. Going to the counter she pours herself a cup of tea.

Seeing Jason on the couch she makes her way over to him standing at his head. Running her free hand through his hair for a moment she bends down to give him a kiss.

"I am gonna get some fresh air."

Heading out onto the back pourch Katie leans agains the railing taking a sip of her tea and looking out into the night sky. Watching the fire flys dart back and forth and listing to the night sounds. For a moment it would seem like Katie didnt even notice Ryder was there, but she did.

"Its nice being out here in the quiet again. I never really apresheated the quiet, just sitting and listing to the night sounds untill I moved into nevada and I didnt have anymore. Its nice to get just a peace of that again in the casos. "

Drawing silent for a moment takes takes another sip of her tea again before still leaning on the railing turns to Ryder.

"Listen I am sorry to earlyer. I'm not normaly that forward, but when it comes to my team I take there safty searouse. So I am sorry if I was a bit pushy. Lets try this again no hard feelings."

Taking a few steps twords Ryder Katie told out her hand as the moonlight shines in the background giving her a soft glow.

"Hi, I'm Katie."

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