

Looking up from her desk a smile spreads across her face as she see Rocky. As her lips curl a little more, a more sassy grin makes itself known.

"Listen here, I let it slide the first time but now I cant take it. There is no Jem Ferchin here only me, butttt....I am more than willing to give you my sig and go to lunch with a rock star."

Taking the package Jess slowly down her writting a little so you can clearly see what her name was.

"Time and place and I will be there."

Listing to everything Ryder was saying Katie picks up on the small details here and there relizing he was skimming over a few things about himself.

I wonder, maybe when we can we should bring it to Carson's attachen.

Within no time they are to the cabin and Katie gets out. Taking a glance around she smiles. She loved being in the country.

"Mmmmm..to me this is heaven not roughing it. It reminds me of home minus the horses."

Grabbing her bag Katie follows the other inside. Claming witch room was hers she thorws her bags onto the bed and takes a few things out that she would including making sure her gun was in her holster and on her. Making her way back downstairs she slids onto one of the stools next to Jason for lunch.

Continuing to listen once again Katie has a peek of caution as Ryder rambles off much information about The Agency's set up. It was off to her and she couldnt help but ask.

"Ryder I dont mean to be rude and all but how is it that you know so much about The Agencys building if the sacurity is so tight?"

Taking her sip of water Katie just watchs Ryder waiting for his reply.

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