

Giving a nod to Reese Hope takes the papers. Hearing that he might have an idea about something in the future she gives a smile and listens intently. If it had anything to do with helping people she was all for it. Though she couldn't see the future right now it was something to consider in case everything worked out.

"Well, if at the end of the week I still have my license I'd love to hear more about what you have planned. It defiantly sounds like something I would be interested in."

Giving another smile Hope makes her way over to one of the desk that was empty and starts to fill out the papers. Both men fit to life in the outside world if willing to learn. Alec lost and confused, feeling as though he was being thrown around and a caged animle, but there was hope behind his eyes and dreams. Gage a man that had grown up knowing nothing but the Agency's ways. Never having the options to do anything differnt. He new what he did was wrong, and wanted a chance to make up for what he did. He wanted to learn and would try his best.

Finishing up the paper Hope finds Reese to give them to him.

Watching Hope leave the room Sapphire sits at her desk for a long moment looking over her cubicle wall. Did Gage want to be alone or would he like some company. Letting a few more moments pass Sapphire finally stands and goes to the door. Knocking on the door softly Sapphire opens up the door and enters giving Gage a small smile.

"Hey Gage. I was going to be heading out shortly to go to a close chinese buffet, and I was wondering if you were up for it if you would like to come with me."

Feeling the bed move Katie shifts in the bed slightly. Feeling the gentil flow of Jason's emotions once again Katie knows the medicen must have worn off and neater had taken the meds again. Moving to lay on her back as Jason leaves the room Katie knows it must of been what was going on with her. Letting out a sigh she couldnt help but let out a deep sigh.

Continuing to lay there for just a moment Katie finally pulls the covers back. Her stomach hurt, her head still hurt and she felt wozy but her body hurt too and she needed something to drink.

Throwing on an over stuffed sweatshirt as she got a chill Katie makes her way out of her room and into the kitchen where the two men stand. Giving a small wave to them Katie's eyes were still a bit dull and his big bags under them. Making her way to the fridge Katie opens it to get out the pittcher of water but hearing a loud noise outside that was probley Trooper and Thirteen playing startled Katie and the pitcher goes to the floor with a loud crash. Just looking down at it for a long moment Katie lets out a long sigh.


Going to grab a towel Katie's hand shook a little as she bent down to try and clean it up.

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