

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Jason comforts quietly. He kisses the top of her head again, settling down with her on the bed. His eyes closed, he just lets Katie rest in his arms, not minding her cuddling in closer. Humming a soft melody, the quiet minutes pass, with just the two of them. Enough words had been spoken for now... Jason knew Katie needed him here, and he realized that Katie knew he was here for her too, no matter if he'd wanted something different or not.

A gentle current begins to flow, slowly at first, gaining strength, little by little. Softly it spreads, seeping like a river over rocks and earth, soaking into the dry banks. Jason can feel the slow start of his emotions and can also feel that they are being received once more, filling Katie as their connection gradually rebuilds after being held back for a day.

Jason consciously lets the tender emotions slip through first, emitting only those. Only the good. Only the warm. Only the understanding. Katie needed those, not his disappointment, fears or irritation. He withholds the negative, filtering them out so they go no further than himself, allowing Katie to soak in all of the good that she could in her moment of need.

But even that takes effort. As the two lie together in the still quietness, Jason can feel his energy draining. He swallows the pain that comes from not allowing the negative emotions out, not letting Katie feel it. It hurt... it was hard, but it was his turn to protect.

Time didn't seem to exist as their connection is renewed. How much has passed, Jason doesn't know. But now exhausted, his humming slowly, slowly fades until his body gives in to sleep. And he sleeps, Katie still wrapped in his arms.

Gage finds it hard to believe Hope, but there was something about her that made him want to trust her. He wasn't sure what it was... but the way she talked... he wanted to believe her.

She said he was smart... that was something new. The people at the Agency always treated him like he knew what he was doing, but none had ever acknowledged his intelligence before. Hearing it from Hope, somehow gave him a new feeling of pride.

He finally nods slowly. "I... I want to stay out of jail if I can. I know it's not your decision but... if you put in a good word for me, I promise I'll try."

The interview doesn't take very long... he was a much easier man to evaluate than Alec had been, and soon Gage finds himself alone again, this time with his bottle of lemonade. Reese had left the door unlocked, but he still sits for a while anyway. He didn't have anywhere to go... and it was quiet in here. He takes another sip of lemonade, letting the flavor dance on his tastebuds.

Reese meets Hope out in the hall, handing her some sheets to fill out about both of the men. "I really appreciate this... it will help a lot when I have to discuss these men's futures. The law enforcement here has never really had a situation like this so... I want to start off on the right foot. I thought perhaps you could do Phinox's evaluation tomorrow, since it's already getting late."

He gives her a little nod. "Sometime soon I'd like to talk with you again... I have some ideas for the future... how we can help more people like these man. Not here... somewhere nearby where we can help them get a new start instead of just sending them off to learn on their own. Provide training and and..."

He stops, realizing his passion may have gotten the best of him, and he grins. "Well... that's something down the road a bit."

Ryder lets Thirteen and Trooper into the house, his keys jingling as he tosses them on the table. Looking around, he doesn't see Jason, but the truck is still in the driveway.

Trooper bounds into the living room, familiar with the house. Coming up around Thirteen's legs, he almost knocks her over, then thunders down the hall to the bathroom then back again, his energy overflowing.

Ryder's eyes widen and he nods Thirteen to the back door. "You might want to take him out back before we wind up breaking something." Chuckling, he wanders to the kitchen. What for supper, what for supper... It was a few hours yet but he had no idea what he wanted to do for the evening meal.

Jason hears the rumble in the hallway and at first, he has no idea where he is. Once he comes to his senses, he realizes that for some reason, he'd heard Trooper. Oh, Ryder and Thirteen must have brought him back here.

Shifting a little, Jason's body feels like a lead weight. Most of his energy had been spent trying to manipulate his own emotions, and though having slept for several hours, he was still tired. It would take a while to recover, but sometime he would have to let the rest of his emotions out. But not now... not until Katie was more stable.

Seeing her peaceful form, he kisses her on the cheek before rolling off the other side of the bed. Tucking the blanket around her, he isn't sure if she'll wake up or not, but he needed to be up and move around a little.

Ambling to the kitchen, he yawns and stretches, spotting Ryder.

"Hey, Hotshot." Ryder pokes around in the fridge, looking for something good. "How's Katie?"

"Mm..." Jason shakes his head and leans back against the counter drowsily. "She'll be alright... gonna take some time though. She just... I don't know."

Ryder quirks an eyebrow, still listening.

"I guess she's having a harder time dealing with what happened to her than we thought," Jason explains. "Then this whole thing with her and me... just made it worse. So... she's not doing too well at the moment. I don't know what it'll take to get her back... but I know it'll come... somehow."

Ryder nods. He knew it had to be hard. He wouldn't press the subject. He would learn more later. Letting the fridge door shut, he growls with frustration. He needed to go shopping.

Jason quirks half a smile. "Ordering in for pizza is usually the way I cure that problem."

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