
Would yoou

Staying down with her head rested into her pillow Katie hears Rick but didn't reply. She felt so confused, and scared. She had been broken, and wondered how she would be repaired. She was damaged and didnt know how anyone would want to take the time but Rick was here now, and wanted to help. Jen, Scott they all had said they wanted to help.

Hearing Jason's voice Katie jumps just a little not exspecting him to be coming and embarrassed he was there. Feeling his hand brush her hair from her face Katie opens her eyes tiredly looking up at him. Hearing his words a few more tears spring into Katie's eyes. He'd come, he had come for her to see what was wrong. Jason had cared.

Moving a little in the bed Katie takes Jason's hand into her own. Her kind was cold and clamy but the warmth from his own skin felt good. Gentily pulling herself closer to Jason Katie puts her head into Jason's lap as a few more sobs could be hurd.

"I hated how I felt, to be disconnected from you. To think you were dead because the Agency had cut me off from you. I was so scared and I was so alone. The only comfort was when they came in to torcher me, try and pump me for information. There words..."

Katie's hand clasped Jason's as she talked and her memories came into him.

"...There words whispered and stuck. I wanted to die, but I wanted to live...it hurt so bad and...I just....I was so alone, and I hated how it felt, and I hate myself even more that I am like this and I dont even know why."

Katie's words were mixed together in babble as most didnt make much sence. But it was everything Katie felt and there was so much more but Katie feared much more and she would lose everything in her stomach again.

Continuing to give a smile to Gage Hope makes herself a bit comfortable as she kept her eyes soft and spoke in a soft tone as well.

"Well, I am here because I want to help you Gage. You've keep kept away from the outside world for a long time. If given the chanse we would like you to have a fighting chanse in the world to do stuff normal people do. To have a freedom you have never known."

Gage was different from Alec he was calmer, and had a different temperament altogether. One she did not perfer over the other. To her they were the same just needed to be handled differentially.

Once again reaching in her bag this time for Gage she pulls out a bottle of lemonaid. Setting it on the table she pushes it twords Gage.

"You can take it if you like. I thought maybe you were thirty."

Sitting back in her chair again Hope folds her hands in front of her as she continues to watch Gage.

"As for what they are going to do with you, I dont know but from what I can see Sapphire wants to be your friend and help you be happy, and everyone else just wants to you to be able to live you own life. would you like that?"

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