

Gage hesitantly raises his eyes to look at Hope. He studies her for such a long time that one might think he either wasn't going to answer her, or he hasn't heard her at all. But finally, he speaks.

"I've been having a good a time as any man who is finding out everything he's ever known has been a lie." His eyes seem tired and almost sad. "They didn't explain much about why you were here... you must be taking an evaluation or something, right?"

His eyes drift from her to her bag, wondering if she were armed with paperwork or weapons. "I've been trying to figure out what they're going to do with me but no one seems to know... not even Sapphire."

Listening to Katie, Rick withdraws a little, a chill running down his spine. Something wasn't right. He didn't know how this was connected to the meds if it was at all, but he didn't like this, not one bit.

Rising to his feet, he walks into the hall, leaving the bedroom door open. He reaches for his cell phone and waits. "Yeah, Jason, it's Rick. I don't know, look, I don't want you taking anymore of the antidote, okay? I don't know. No, I don't think it's that, it's just... I don't think she can handle it right now. There's more to this than we thought. Please... okay. Yeah, you might want to come too and we'll go from there."

Rick goes back to Katie's side, sighing deeply. He gives her arm a pat. "You know... even Heroes have weak spots, Katie... and that's not a bad thing. It helps us to always remember we're human." He pauses, hurting for his young friend. He didn't know what she was talking about, but he had a sinking feeling it had to do with her experience with the Agency. "There's always help for you... in here." He taps over her heart. "But you gotta let people in to let those wounds heal."

It doesn't take long before the sound of Jason's truck can be heard. Rick goes to the window to make sure it's him, then meets him at the door. Another two minutes, and Jason is in Katie's room, kneeling beside the bed, near her head so he can be eye-level with her. Worry courses through his eyes as he reaches out to comb his fingers through her hair. "We won't take any more," he mentions quietly. "No more right now, okay? You gonna tell me what's really going on?"

Scott's head slams into the mat and he cries out, but his opponent doesn't give in.

Gunner manipulates their position, dominating the match like he always did. "Come on, Scott, you're making it too easy."

Scott grits his teeth and writhes under Gunner's weight before bringing a leg up and around across Gunner's throat to throw him to the side. The move is effective and Gunner grunts as his elbow hits the floor. "There you go, there you go."

Sweaty from head to toe, Scott manages to get back to his feet, his knees threatening to buckle. His hands up in front of his face, he manages to block a jab and a kick, but then misses his own punch and leaves himself vulnerable. A hit to the ribs sends him back down again where he's put in a hold he can't break. Trying to breath, he gaps as Gunner's forearm presses against his throat, his own arm twisted mercilessly behind his back.

"You just can't learn can you, Scott?" Gunner hisses in his ear. "You're too stupid to do anything right." He yanks a little harder on Scott's arm. "You're not good enough to be with the Elite."

Scott's anger boiled. He was so tired of this same thing over and over and over again, Gunner hounding him and pounding into him that he was no good. Being told he wasn't good enough for the one place he wanted to return to finally pushed him over the edge. "That's not true!" he cries out.

Gunner rolls Scott over to see his face, still keeping him in a locked hold. "Prove it!"

Scott's eyes blaze. "I don't have to!"

Gunner's hold is suddenly released and he rocks back to stand up and look down at Scott. "We're done."

Scott is breathing heavily and he blinks. "What?"

"We're done." Gunner offers him a hand up.

"You mean... for good? But... I haven't-"

"You're ready to face the world, Scott." Gunner nods. "You've just proven it."

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