

*Misty smiles and nods back*

"Not a problem we can stop by your place when we are done here."

*Misty trys to keep herself calm with Kyle's condition maybe later tonight she would tell him, but at this moment he didn't need to know. Misty wanted to keep him from worrying as much as she could. She was doing enough of that for the both of them.*

"Than we can stop by my place and I can get something for tomarrow as well."

*Standing and taking the bill before Kyle can a grin curles on her lips and heads to the front.*

"My turn to pay."

*Jess looks at Rick and gives a small nod but dosn't say much. It was easy said than done to stay looking twords the bright side. To her right now, there was no brightside. She had been down and out before, but this was lower than low for her and there was nothing she could do to change it. Even after Peter was behind bars the pain wouldn't go away that easly. Though Jess couldn't deni that the people in this place were differnt.*

"Th...thank you. I guess for a little bit I'll just stay here."

*Jess stands and heads to the door but stops and turns again looking at Rick. Trying to offer the best smile she can.*

"If you see Miss. Lockheart let her know I am ready when she is."

*Turning and making her way for the door again Jess walks slowly and heads back to the small room. For now that was her home, for now that was her fortress, for this was her nightmare and her safe haven. Rick had said she could cry, how Jess wish right now she could and though the tears were there they just wouldn't come out.*

*Katie sits down in the chair across from Jason's desk and takes the email from his hand. Scanning over it Katie gets the point of what Jason was saying and lets out a sigh. In a way she felt bad for Jason.*

"You didn't tell her because you wanted her to be proud of you, and because this didn't work out you think she will be disapointed. "

*Katie reaches her hand out and lays it on Jason's arm as he leans his head into them.*

"J, you should know by now your mom loves you no matter what. Yeah she is going to be sad your not geting married but she wont be disapointed in you J."

*Katie offers him a smile.*

"You need to tell her, she is you mom and she loves you. Just because there are new people in the picture dosn't make that love any less eather. If anything it makes it more. She has the family she always wanted and your part of it."

*Katie thinks for a moment as a plan forms in her head. She hadent been home in a while. Maybe...*

"Ya know J, if you dont feel like going alone I would be more than happy to. I would like to see Kaylee and just see home. I miss it."

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