

Cindy just smiles, giving a soft sigh. She was so happy...so excited...so many things were running through her mind. There were so many things to do. But right now.... Her eyes start to drift shut. Right now.... her head sways a little to rest against Wes. Right now all she wanted.... Her hand nestles comfortably in his. All she wanted was sleep.

Kyle grimaces and waves Misty off, but obeys anyway. It hurt to talk right now anyway. He had just wanted to say his piece without the trouble of writing things down or trying to sign.

Looking down at his half-eaten plate, he decides he really doesn't want any more. He usually liked eating here...he never left food on his plate. But something just didn't feel right. He simply wasn't hungry, and the thought of eating more almost made his stomach turn. He was tired too and wasn't sure why, after the long night of sleep he'd gotten.

A grin creases his lips and he mouths and signs to Misty, getting across, "I wish I could talk to you like Jason does to Katie...then this would be easier." He shakes his head in amusement.

Just sitting and trying to relax a little, the scratch in his throat persists, bringing more coughing, though he tries to stifle it. Finally he changes subjects altogether, proving his mind had been bouncing around several different subjects. He scribbles on a napkin. "Join me for church tomorrow?"

Rick offers Jess a warm smile. "I know you're tired, but I want you to get up and come on over to the infirmary just for a few minutes. I want to give you a quick checkup today and I want you to at least drink something even if you're not hungry, okay?"

He stands up, ready to leave the room. "And I need to talk with you about some results I got this morning."

Rick turns, heading for the door. "Take your time."

Jason hangs up the phone and leans back in his chair. Trooper can sense his anxiety and comes over to rest his head on his lap. Jason absentmindedly scratches the dog's head. He felt...happy...excited...apprehensive. The news was good. Everyone was fine. He'd been hoping for that. The news was exciting. Yet at the same time, it also meant that Jason needed to take a trip to Texas...and with that, came the truth that he had not been sharing with his mother.

Giving a little sigh, Jason isn't sure what to do with his feelings. He felt boxed in...he just didn't know what to do. When did he need to go? Right away? In a few weeks? Could he take that time off work? Could he afford the trip?

Excuses started to seep into his mind that might keep him from going. But there was enough of him that really wanted to go...that longed to go, that he knew he would...it was just when that was the question and how.

Jason grins a little, letting the news sink in. He was a big brother. That in itself was as new sensation. And there was one person he could share that with, without feeling stupid.

Hey, it's a girl. Kaylee.

But even though he tries to convey pure happiness, he knew that his apprehensiveness would show through too if Katie was paying attention. He needed help...he needed to tell someone what was going on...he couldn't decide what to do on his own with this one, he'd dug his hole too deep.

When you're free...come talk?

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