
Big Brother

All Wes can think about doing is letting his wife and new baby sleep. They were so small, so comfortable, they both looked so peaceful. Wes could never ask for anything more or even think about wanting more. God had answered his prayers over and over again making him happy and content. Letting both mother and daughter sleep Wes keeps a watchful eye over them both making sure they both would be ok.

*Misty smiles to Kyle across the table as he signs.*

"Yeah that would be cool, but something tells me at times they don't think so. Those two certinly have a special gift thats for sure."

*Misty watches Kyle closely as he dosn't want anything alse to eat and his cough continues. Misty knows what its from and on the outside she might be fine but on the inside it was killing her to see Kyle like this. Is scaired her to think he could go home sleep and she might not even get to see him again. Letting out a sigh Misty is a bit saprised when Kyle asks her to church. She hadent been in so long, did she really want to start going again? She new who god was, and she believed he was there but she had lost touch. When one thing after another happend, she blamed God and now, she had blamed him so much suraly he wouldent look past her flats now. As she is about to reply and think of a reson not to go, something stricks her...maybe...*

"I'll go to church with you tomarrow Kyle if you sleep at the infermary again tonight so I can keep an eye on you. I don't like that cough."

*Jess rolls back over on her side facing the wall as Rick talks. Not saying anything. Her mind was moving to much to talk, her hurt to much to talk, and she felt to depressed to talk or even move. Once Rick leaves Jess just stairs at the wall for a long while. Her life had been turned around and upside down and now she was stuck in a place she dident even know. She had decied she wanted to change somethings about her life but this is not what she exspected. Not to mention now she was probley jobless and if she wasent she dident want to go back there and face Sean and Velvet.

Throwing the sheets back Jess swings her legs out of the bed and just sits on the edge for a long moment. Finally standing Jess exits the room her bear feet scuffing on the floor. Slowly making her way to the infermary she knocks on the door and opens it.*

"Ok, I'm here where do you need me?"

*As Katie sits at her cubicle she thumbs through some paperwork Jamie had given her. Most of the stuff was old cases they had worked on in the past that had never been put into the computer. So now it was her job to do so.

As she sits at her desk she is suddonly slowly hit with waves of emotions. Happyness, mixed with sadness and a bit of depression. Looking twords Jason's office Katie is confused for a moment than receving his message a smile spreads across her lips. But still something felt wrong.

Ok..I'll be right there.

Turning her computer screen off Katie stands and heads to Jason's office. Knocking and than poking her head in Katie offers hims a smile.*

"Congradulations Big Brother!!! You wanted to talk to me?"

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