

Carson grabs a chair in the kitchen and sinks down, taking a quick break after the lunch rush. Eating a bite of spaghetti, he reaches up to his jacket that was hanging on a hook. He'd heard his cell phone ringing a while ago, but hadn't had time to stop and check it.

Flipping it open, he sees a voice mail and listens to it, a grin spreading on his face. Hitting his speed dial, he calls Misty's direct line into the TJY infirmary. Taking another mouthful, he has to swallow before he can reply to her answer. "Nope, I'm not working late, and yes, I'd love to spend the evening with you. Come to think of it... I know a guy who can make any kind of specialty pizza you want."

He twirls his fork around in his spaghetti. "Tell me what you're hungry for and what time you'll be here and... it's a date."

Axel tries to give Jess enough room without making it look as though he were trying to avoid her, or slide off the booth. Keeping one eye on her, he makes sure she's comfortable enough to let things roll as they were.

Though his own invitation was overcome by Rocky's, Axel gives Jess a little nod and grin when she accepts. He was glad she'd try to come at least. "Come early and you can help us set up... you can hear JetStream too."

"Oh yeah, they're great," Taylor adds.

At Jess' question to Rocky, he peeks over his menu at her, his eyes narrowing slightly to prove that a smile was hidden behind the folded page. "Yep, I do."

Setting his menu down, he shrugs. "Do a bit of singing too - usually just backup." He leans forward a little to rest his elbows on the table. Opening his mouth to say more, he's interrupted by the waitress who come to take his and Taylor's orders. By the time she leaves, his thought seems to have grown too old to speak.

"So what did Kyle say?" Axel inquires.

Rocky lifts an eyebrow. "It was like pulling teeth, but we got him to say yes."

"Really? Does the rest of JetStream know?"

Rocky shakes his head. "No..." He sighs. "We told him he needed to tell them, but he was undecided." He looks to Jess again, knowing that she was probably clueless about all of this. "Kyel's from JetStream," he explains. "You mighta seen him around. Great voice. Me and some of the others from Cryptic recorded him a few years back - that was before Axel came along. Problem is - Kyle never told his siblings or the rest of his band about it. They're still clueless he's as good as that."

Taylor rolls her eyes. "I don't see what the big deal is. Why don't we just tell them for him?"

"Because we promised," Axel answers her. There's a slight edge to his voice as if he's annoyed Taylor would say that. "And that's reason enough, don't you think?"

She shrugs. "I suppose." Glancing over to Jess, she grins. "We're surrounded by a chivalrous bunch."

Deciding it's time to switch the subject, Rocky glances towards the window. "Didn't see the truck, Axel. Get that car you wanted to?"

Axel shakes his head, relaxing again. "No, still working on that deal. The truck was busy though, so I rode with Jess."

Taylor's eyes widen noticeably. "You..."

Axel doesn't look up, but rather plays with a straw wrapper.

Rocky glances to Jess, then Axel, to Taylor, then back to Axel. His eyes show not that he wants to pry, but instead help for some odd reason. "Well," he mentions casually, "Taylor and I can give you a ride back to the shop when we're done here if you want. We're heading that way anyway."

Axel's eyes shoot up quickly and a strange pause follows until his gaze wanders to Jess for a moment, then back to Rocky. "No need. I'm good."

Taylor sits back a little, studying him. "Feeling alright?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I just..."

Rocky kicks Taylor under the table, making her jump, but she doesn't say anything aloud. "Nothing. Never mind."

Before more can be said, the waitress returns with their food, interrupting the conversation along with the awkwardness. Rocky prays before they eat, and talk becomes lighter chitchat, Taylor leading most of it.

Axel seems lost in thought a few times, a bit more out of it than normal, though not unwilling to enter into some banter with Rocky and crack an occasional smile.

Eventually, Taylor looks at her watch and reminds Rocky she needs to get to work. Rising, she bids farewell to both Axel and Jess, and she heads for the door. Rocky is a little slower, sliding from the booth and standing to stretch. "Well you two... have a nice afternoon. Axel, see you tomorrow at three - I'll swing by to pick you up. And..." He glances to Jess, offering a grin. "Hope to see you there too." Giving a wave, he turns to follow after Taylor.

Axel watches them leave and is quiet for a moment before looking to Jess as if realizing something. "Sorry - you can have your booth back." He starts to get up, with the intention of sitting across from her again, to give her space once more.

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