
Rainbow close to a Storm

Thought Carson couldnt see her a smile made its way across Misty's face anyways. Everythough things have changed Misty still loved spanding time with Carson and missed him when he was not around.

"You know I could just say I was in the mood for kiss from you."

Misty lets the implacation just linger for a long moment, but as no smart reply comes Misty let a small sigh Misty continues to talk.

"Ya know I am kind of in the mood for Buffalo pizza."

Jess' eyes just linger on a Rocky for a moment taking him in. Who he was, how he talked and his looks trying to make her own impresstion of him. He seemed like and ok guy. Than slowly she looks to Taylor as she talks and than back down to her plate.

As the chatter continues and that talk of Jetstream and Kyle comes up Jess trys her best to stay with what was going on but gets lost in the conversation not really knowing what was going on though she was filled in here and there. Jess couldnt help but feel a bit awkward and out of place. Not by the comapny she was in but the conversation itself and not knowing what was going on.

The time pass slowly and Jess keeps quiet just listing till finally Rocky and Taylor are ready to leave. Looking up at Rocky Jess gives a smile trying to be as polite as she can be.

"I'll see you tomarrow than. It was nice meeting you."

Once the other are gone Jess looks to Axel. A differnt more at ease smile forming.

"I dont mind if you sit next to me. Its not every day a Rainbow gets this close to a storm."

Picking up her glass Jess takes a sip of her apple juice and than sets the glass down. She new that something was strange with the incounter today and she picked up on a few differnt things but she didnt want to be so farward with asking.

"Your friends seem nice. I think it will be nice hanging out with you tomarrow."

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