

Alice cant help but give a small chuckle as her eyes give a small sparkle.

"Now why would I want to go home to an empty apartment, and old memories larking around? Getting out is nice, and was well needed. It's helped me more than you know, so yes I think I will be sticking it out till the end."

Though maybe Alice's curent statment could be taken as a little sad there was no sadness in her voice, and the smile still remained on her face. It wasnt hard to tell Alice had her own problems she did a good job at not letting them get her down.

"You know its not even day I can find someone to keep up there energy like me. So its nice to have someone who is rip roaring ready to go when I am."

Reaching into the bag that was at her feet Alice pulls out a few twinkies and two cans of Moutain Dew. Haning one of each to Kyle.

"Suger High?"

Sitting aaround the table Katie's laugher rings out through the restront not caring how loud she was being and who hurd her. The night was ment for laughter and fun The Pizza Box could deal with it for one night.

Grabbing another straw Katie rips the end and brings it to her mouth taking aim. Giving a strong huf she blows sending the wrapper across the table at Jason and than quickly drapping the straw to make it look like she did nothing.

It wasnt me honest!

Enjoying the laughter and the pizza Hope again had a nice time. This seemed like a fun bunch of people and she was happyScott had friends like them. In there company she had the feeling there was never a dull moment.

Looking down at her watch Hope takes note that it was in fact getting late. Placing her napkin on her plate she turns to Scott for a moment. She was sure he has a way home but she wanted to make she would be ok.

"I think I am going to head home its getting late. Did you already have a ride home? I am going that way."

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