
New face

One of the darkest hours is when we have to see the ones we love hurt. Not knowing if they will be ok, and all we can say is time will tell. Time...we always come back to the same thing. Time, we follow it hoping it will bring good, but sometimes it brings bad. Leave our life in times hands.

Though she felt asleep the soft emotions slips there way in. Jason's unspoken words, broke through her mind bring a warmth to the darkness she felt lost in.

J...It's quiet here other than your voice. I don't feel....like I can open my eyes yet. I'll try!

But hearing Jason's voice calling her, was a prompt, to set her eyes on the man she loved once again. Slowly, very slowly Kaite's hand gives a twitch, as she opens her eyes squinting into the light trying to bring everything into focus.

Her head hurt, and she couldn't remember to much, her throat felt dry, and her hand stun. How long had she been a sleep?

Bringing a hand to her head, Katie turns it to one side seeing Jason laying there she gave a soft smile. Opening her mouth to talk, nothing comes out but a gasp of works with no voice. Trying again still the same resalt Katie could fell her heart start racing.

J...I cant talk. My throat feels dry and the words are in my head but wont come out. What happened? Why cant I talk?

Letting her hand slid from her head down to her throat Katie lays there in the bed, continuing to try and talk but nothing coming out. Maybe she just had to warm her voice up again.

Water...can you see if Rick will get me some water. I think that might help.

Once again standing outside the familure door Sapphire gives a small smile to herself. Freeing up her day had been easy and it was only for Gage she would do so. Knowing she had a promise to help him that needed to be kept.

A bag or grocerys more than just frozen meals were in her arms. Tonight she would cook dinner for Gage, they would work on his tree and just have a nice time together like always.

Seeing the smoke coming from the chimney in the dinning hall two women cross the yard. Making no hesitation it apears that at least one knows there way around and have been here many times before.

Entering the room and letting the door close quietly the room is scanned. Seeing Sparky's back to her, and jim across from him Annie holds a finger to her lips.

Coming up close behind her brother Annie bends down just a little.

"What you cant even say hi to your own sister?"

A smile spreads on Annie's face as she gives her brother a big kiss on the cheek and wraps her arms around Sparky in a backwards hug. It had been long, to long since she had taken off for her mission trip. But now she was back and she brought a friend with her as well.

The tall starwberry blond stood a few feet away, a smile on her face as her. Her smoky colored eyes scanning the room picking up on everything that went on around her, till her eyes land on Annie, and Sparky again. Annie talked about her family so much, it was nice to get to meet them finally.

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