
A new friend

*Nate smiles at Nancy and extends his had for the introduction.*

"I'm Nate and this is Laura. Thank you for inviting up."

*As the small talk continues and Nate can tell Laura is comfortable he makes his way over to where Con and Mike are. Coming up along side Con to help.*

"Your get old there if you acing over a table."

*Nate gives Con's good arm a gentile pat but cant help letting out a laugh and duck at the same time anticipating a swing in his direction. Composing himself again he moves to help with the tables.*

*Being able to tell the look on Carson's face what he was thinking Misty gives him a slight squeeze but saying nothing about it.*

"I'm not sure when I am going back eather. I miss it alittle, but the free time has really been nice. Though I do need a job so its probley best I do go back."

*In a sence Misty was kind of happy she was out of work. It couldent help but feel it just wasent going to be the same without Carson. He always broked up the day and gave her a reason to smile. Though she still had many reasons to do that it just wasent going to feel the same. Misty lets out a sigh and than smiles up at Carson. Leaning up alittle bit she gives him a reasuring kiss that everything will be ok.*

*Katie beams as Jen looks at her ring. Everytime someone complamented about it, or gaked over it she couldent help but feel even happyer inside. It made her feel good.*

*Jamie smiles at Scott and gives a laugh.*

"I think if anyone not just you tryed to help they would be in the way."

*Jamie cant help but shake her head a little. Leaning into Katie more Jamie brings a hand to her mouth and whispers something to her.*

*Katie lets out a laugh as Jamie whispers to her and then looks at her as she pulls away.*

"You care bad you know that."

*Jamie laughs and rolls her eyes*

"Me, you the one that told me to."

"Ya well I dident think you would but since you have I'll be there at the desanated time."

*Jamie laughs again and smiles giving a wave as she walks away.*

"I'll catch you guys later."

*Katie shakes her head as Jamie walks away and turns back to Jen and Scott.*

"That girl is crazy I tell you."

*Hearing the splash and seeing Kyle standing at the pool Katie cant help but laugh.*

"Well it looks like Tommy got to be the first one in. That brother of yours Jen."

*Jamie makes her way across the lawn soking in the sights and watching the people. Hearing the laughing of kids Jamie turns to see a bunch of little ones playin in a sandbox and than she spots alittle lonly girl over on the swing walking over Jamie sits down on the swing them to her and smiles.*

"Hi are you a Mitts too?"

"The little girl gives a nod."

"I'm a friend of Kyle's. My name is Jamie."

*The little girl just looks at Jamie for a long moment not saying anything.*

*Jamie holds her smile and looks to the other kids.*

"How come your not playing with everyone alse?"

*The girl studys Jamie for a moment longer and finally decieds its ok.*

"Because everyone picks on me."

*Jamie turns back to the little girl and rocks herself alittle on the swing."

"Awww...how come they pick on you?"

"Because I am small for my age so they say I'm a baby."

"Well thats not every nice of them. Maybe you should go over there and play anyways to show them your not a baby."

"Will you come with me?"

*Jamie's grin grows even more finding warmth in the fact the this child she hardly new had adapted to her so fast.*

"Sure, but only if you tell me your name first."

*The girl stands off the swing. She was tiny for her ager. Though she was 8 she probley could pass for 5 or 6.*

"My name is Sarah."

*Jamie holds her hand out to Sarah.*

"Well its nice to meet you Sarah. Let go play with the other and after if your still up for it I have something planed you can join in too if you want."

*Jamie and Sarah make there way over to the others and it takes no time before she is laughing with Jamie and the other kids.*

*Charlotte gives a wave to Con as he turns around. Than being asked to stay takes her by saprise but she recovers from it quickly as Bret ask his question. Looking at him she grins.*

"Well the coin said heads, so I dont mind staying if you dont mind. It might be fun."

*Charlotte really did think it would be fun and big groups of people dident bother her. Her own family was big after all and when they had a get togther it looked something like this though it was usaly indoors.*

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