

*Nate smiles back at Laura as he parks the car. Turning he smiles at Laura.*

"Not a problem. In all honesty, I needed some time away too. I feel like I'm getting burnt out. Speaking of which reminds me a little later I need to talk to you about sometime important."

*Getting out of the car Nate goes over to Laura side of the car and opens her door. Than reaching in the back seat he grabs a big bowl of Macroni salad. For a moment Nate lets out a small sigh as his mind wander to Maggie. She'd be with him today but she was off at end of the summer camp before school started up again. It felt stangs and the house felt quiet and empty but he hoped she was having fun. Laura had spent a bunch of night over at the house for dinner, and Nate even invited Rick and Janit as well. So it was never quiet for to long. Nate liked it that way though. After she got back than it would be Nate's turn to go camping with her up in the moutains. It was something they did every year.

Locking the car up Nate slings his free arm around Laura and heads twords the crowd of people.*

"Hey Hey, we have some macroni salad here. Where should I set it?"

*Misty puts her arm around Carson and leaned gently on him. Wearing a navy blue tank and a par of darkbrown short proved to be a good choise for the heat. She also wore a bandana over her hair letting her long brown locks all out the bottom and one single strand fell out the front. Though her hair was growing back it still bothered her alittle. Giving Carson a small squeeze she was thankful for his help. Slowly each day she she regaining her strength.*

"Yeah, I'm going ok so far. This was a nice shaded spot you picked. Thanks for dragging me along."

*Misty tilts her head alittle and smiles at Carson.*

*Jamie smiles as Mike comes over to greet them.*

"Good to see ya Mike."

*As Mike and Con talk for a moment Jamie scans the faces picking out the people she new. It was nice to see so many people had shown up that she did know. She could bet it really ment alot to Kyle and the other. As she zones back in and hears Con talking about her fending for herself she gives alittle laugh and leans up to give Con a quick kiss.*

"I can fend for myself alright, its staying out of trouble thats the probley. Especially if my partner in crime is here..."

*Jamie scans the the faces again untill she see Scott and Katie a grin crossing her face.*

"..and so she is here. I'll catch up with you when you dont."

*Jamie gives Con's arm a gentil squeeze and breaks away from him heading for Katie and Scott."

*Katie smiles and waves with her free hand to Kyle her other interlocked with Scotts.*

"Hey Kyle. Thanks for the invatation. It will be nice to get together with everyone before the weather gets bad. It feel like summer just started to have it almost over already."

*Katie continues on her rout with Scott to the table puting the chips down. Stoping by Jen on the way Katie leans down and give her a hug.*

"Thank Jen for the invite this is going to be a blast."

*Katie smiles down at her friend. Than looking up she waves to Jamie as she see her coming there wave.*

*Jamie smiles and waves back.*

"Scott, Katie glad you could make it. Hey Jen."

*Aerith couldent help but laugh at Nancy. She was funny and enjoyable to be around. Not to mention Wyatt's added in humor.If felt good to laugh the last week had been pretty hard from going home to seeing her family and having to deal with them asking her to stay along with her grandmothers death was hard. Only to have the task now of cleaning out her house.*

"I'll stay here with Nancy and see if I cant help out some more. I'll catch up to you when you done?"

*Aerith smiles at Wyatt as her eyes shine it was going to be a good day.*

*Charlotte grins and looks out the window seeing Con and Jamie. Giving Bret a sidelong glance her grin grows as she reaches in her purse.

She'd been here for a week maybe a bit longer and there were so many days filled with coin toss, just siting in the bar for a drink, or attempting to clean up Bret's house so it wasent drery and Charlotte never tired of it. She was happy and enjoyed having someone to spend time with.

Taking the coin Charlotte toss it in the air. Slaping it down on her hand she looks up and Bret than removes it looking down again. Heads! Charlotte couldent help her grin that grew and her eyes the sparkled with mischefe*

"Oh this is going to be fun!!"

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