

Though Scott can not see her a small smile forms on Hope's face. Scott was to smart for his own good that was for sure. After all he had been through he really was bouncing back nicely. Thinking for a moment about Scott's question Hope is quiet. Till finally she speaks again her voice being very sincere.

"You dont need a counselor anymore Scott, but it never hurt to have another friend right? How would you like to gab some coffee if your not to busy that is? Believe it or not coffee helps me wind down, and some time with a friend would be nice too."

Hope ment what she said, she missed Scott and just the other day she had relized that he was more than just another pashent, or person she helped. Without even knowing it Scott sliped his way past the cracks and became more, he had also become Hope's friend.

Looking back at Mike the smile on Angelica's face stayed but softened just a bit. Color rose to her cheeks ass she relized how close she really was right now to Mike. The man that had captured her heart though she would never admit it outloud.

"As long as he is locked away so he cant hurt anyone else...thats what matters."

A soft wind blowing through the open window sends the smell of Mikes callone to Angelica's nose, almost instintly feeling as though a calm blanket had been put over her. A small silver of moon light poked out from behind the clouds casting a glow on the office.

Bring her hand up to Mike's face Angelica gently brushing a peace of hair back that had been blown by the gentil breeze. Than moving her hand back down along the side of his face she maping his skin with the back of her hand. To her his skin was so soft, even with a little bit of five oclock shadow.

Leaning forward Angelica is not sure what drove her to make such a bold move but her lips press aganst Mick's as the sweetness of the kiss bursts forward giving her whole body chills.

Backing away just a little she searchs Mike's eyes and bits her lip in a nervouse statment. The stress the had been under, the weaght of te world had been gone in that moment, and for that second it was the best comfort Angelica had ever had.

Leaning forward once again, with ever grace Angelica moves Mike's chair back just a tade so she she could sit herself on his lap, wrapping her arms aroundhis neck to draw herself closer to him. She wanted his strong arms around her, to feel him close to her, to lose themselfs in the moment and forget about what was around them, because in Mike Reese arms she felt loved.

Taking the paper from Carson Nate gives a nod. They had nothing, so anything was a clue they could go on, anything they could look up and narrow down getting them one step closer was something.

"Thanks Carson, I'll be right back. And if you want to get some sleep, or something to eat I'll take your spot here for a few hours."

Turning and seeing Ryder Nate walks over to him and gives him a short nod figuring there was nothing much to tell about Reiker or it would of happend already.

"I'd ask how you are holding, but you look about as crappy as the rest of us."

Giving a short sigh Nate leans on the cubicle with the paper in hand.

"I figure for now we can leave Reiker in the intarigation room and find out what Reese wants us to do with him. But till than if your not to tired I need you to do a search on buildings that have unfinsihed basments and are paying a bit higher taxes. I dont care where, or how many you have I want them as long as they are in this state."

Handing the paper to Ryder Nate gives a small smile and a nod before turning around once again and going back to the computer with the foottage of Katie.

Feeling the cool water to her lips Katie is almost shocked for a moment, but than lifting her head she takes a long sip from the cup her eyes locked on Gage once again.

She wasnt sure if he had done that because he had to, or because he wanted to but non the less it had helped her. In a soft voice she manages to whisper.

"Thank you!"

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