

When Katie falls silent, Gage just looks at her for several moments, the quiet lingering. Turning around, he paces, returning his knife to his pocket. Finally he walks over to a faucet hidden in the shadows. A styrofoam cup is handy and he fill it halfway with cool water.

Walking back to Katie, he tilts her head up again, putting the cup to her lips.

Laura wraps her arms around Nate's neck, letting him carry her down the hall. Despite the bad day, a smile was on her lips. She didn't care who saw them like this.

Being set down on her feet again, she relents with a nod. "Okay. I'll rest. Wake me if anything comes up - anything at all."

Returning Nate's kiss, she watches him leave, then turns into the room, sinking down on the bed. It was softer than she remembered. Easing down to curl up on her side, the pillow seemed fluffier than normal... the blanket more comfortable... Her eyes fall shut.

Carson shrugs at Misty's comment about Gage. "I don't know... Man is born with a natural instinct for right and wrong... but if you're brought up with that... I don't know." He watches the screen, interested to see Gage's interaction with Katie. "I can't tell if he's actually trying to make her comfortable, of if he's just taunting her."

Hearing Nate's question, Carson looks up quickly. "Not a whole lot." He reaches for his notepad. "Got some stuff that probably won't do us a whole lot of good, but...."

He lets go of Misty's hand to point some things out on the paper. "The pole Katie's tied to is actually an I-beam. This indicates that she's either in a large house or building - it's not just a little house somewhere. Also it looks like an unfinished basement. If we pretend it's a house, it would be one without a reported finished basement that they'd be paying more taxes on." he shrugs. "That hardly narrows down the search. The guy with her right now is Gage Pelzer. Lifetime with the Agency. He's in his twenties... I was just telling Misty that he was born into the Agency - never been out. That doesn't help on a location though either because he's been sent all over the place."

Carson squints at some of his scribbles. "Um... whatever they're giving Katie is different than what Rick has. Though it looks like she doesn't like it, it doesn't throw her into a fit like Jason... and they give her a shot much more often than every 24 hours. So I'd say it's a weaker form of a better antidote. Beats me what it is though."

Reese looks down at the pictures Angelica places before him, and studies them for a moment, taking in her words. His heart sinks. He knew she was right.

"I was afraid of this." He sighs deeply. "I know it was all we had to go on, but Jason was desperate and took off on the wrong lead."

Turning his head his eyes meet Angelica's. "At least we got Reiker for shooting up a house and trying to kill Ryder though. That's enough to put him away - one less... Agency scumbag to... to worry about..."

With each word, his voice grows quieter, his eyes still looking into Angelica's. She was so close he could feel her breath on his face, and smell the sweetness of her skin. His eyes glance down then back up again and he swallows hard. "Thank you... for... all your help."

Ryder stands lamely in the hall as Phinox heads out. "Yeah...." He gives a short wave. "Later." Sighing, he looks down one way then the other. It was quiet. For such a stressful day, it was quiet. But there was nothing to pick up the pace. No leads. Phinox was right. This had been a dead end.

Wandering towards the main floor, Ryder isn't sure where to go next. He should probably report to Nate or something.

Scott doesn't even look to see who was calling him before he answers. Hope's voice catches him off guard, and he's quiet for a moment. But leaning back in his chair, a small smile escapes. "Hi, Hope."

He pauses, not really sure what to say. "It's not late - I'm still working." He hesitates again, not divulging any information about how he's really doing yet. His tone was quiet and sincere. "Are you calling as my counselor or my friend?"

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