

Katie looks back at Gage dead in the eye an emptyness seems to show in his eye. Most people who worked in the agecny had that look. But along with it they had a longing. Gage was differnt there was no longing only empty. Trying to will herself to stay quiet but her lips would not obay.

"I'll rot here even if they DO get who they want. Like I said before The Agency dosnt let people go. But my friends will find me, and I will see the outside world again."

Swallowing hard Katie trys to move the saliva around in her mouth keeping it wet so she didnt thirst to much.

"To the Agency this is a game, and to them we are just the pawns. I wont go down without a fight and I wont lost this patter without making a mark."

Closing her eyes Katie could feel herself growing weak. The EE they had given her was sucking up what energy she had. If she was going to escape her had to save what energy she did have so the right moment. Droping her head down again Katie closes her eyes. She wanted sleeping only conserving energy but letting her mind still work as her memories of those she loved keep her strong.

Listing to Carson Misty can't help but shake her head. To be raised in the angency, live, breath, and only know that was a horrable thing. She couldnt even start to imagen what thought would be like, but maybe to Gage it wasnt so bad not knowing anything else.

"Thats horrable."

Misty lets out a long sigh continuing to watch the screen. Making out bits and peaces she can get a little bit of what Katie and Gage are saying but not enough to make it give much sence.

"I guess when it comes to something like that I have to stop and wonder if you can blame him for his wrong ways. Live, breath and raised that why how would you knows its wrong."

Shaking her head again Misty moves a little closer to Carson lcoking her fingers with his. She wished there was more they could do for Katie. Seeing here there was hard, and it make her own insides flip flop.

Giving a grunt and unfolds his arms and gives another shake of his head.

"Well I fear that we just wasted a whole day. I really dont see a lead here. The most we can do now is another background check on him, maybe his bank account or something and see if he had any money transfered in. Other than that we are back to squear one."

Lifting his head and looking around the TJY floor and than back to Ryder Phinox just relized how much he had been talking. IT was strange how he felt comfortable talking to Ryder like he was a long time friend. Not that, that really mattered he wasnt here to make friends and in the end, everyone would hate him anyways if he didnt wind up dead.

"Anyways, I havent had anything to eat. I am going to step out for about an hour and call my contact to see if they have anymore information for me. If Reese askes he had my cell number."

Giving a short way Phinox makes his way to the exit making sure his phone was once again in his pocket.

Moving the hair softly from Laura's face Nate strokes her head running his rough hands through her soft hair. Like saten on sandpaper it felt so nice. Holding her a little closer Nate couldnt help but feel a small lump of guilt rise inside of him. Everyone had someone tonight except for Jason.

"I wish I could let you stay close to me all night but sadly I do need to get back to work."

Giving Laura's head a kiss Nate stands his arm sliped under her legs and his other around her back still cradling her in his arms. He was worryed enough and if Laura got sick from lack of sleep he would worry even more.

"Get some rest ok? If anything happend you will be right here and I will come and get you."

Walking across the floor Nate takes Laura to the spair bedroom getting to the door he lets her down knowing she cant go the rest of the way herself.

"At least an hour ok? for me?"

Giving Laura another kiss Nate turns and heads in the direction of Carson's cubicle. He needed an update on what was going on, and than he needed to talk with Ryder about Reiker to see if they had gotten anything to help them.

Getting to the cubicle Nate stairs over Carson and Misty for a moment just watching what was going on, on screen.

"Whats going on here?"

As movment catchs his eye Nate looks up twords the exit to see Phinox heading out of the building. Where was he going?

Giving a soft tap Angelica enters Mike's office and trys to give a small smile. Thought the situations were though at the moment she did what she could to keep her head up for her sake thought the new she now braught would be non to good.

"Mike, I have some information, but tis not to good. I took it on myself to do a little deeper search on the oil Nate and Jason braught in. I wanted to run my own tests, and cover everything. We can get this guy behind bars but only if we charged him with the right thing. If not than we would be the ones hung out to dry."

Angelica lets out a sigh and she puts two differnt pictures in front of Mike and than goes behind him to lean over a little bit as she talked.

"These are two pictures of paint fragments from each oil. Oil leaks it drags paint, a coting anything with it rotting it away a little more. See this one here the while is from the Van that took Katie, and this one here is green the one from the shooting. They dont match."

Turning hear head to look at Mike she was only inches from his face but it didnt seem to faze her.

"I'm sorry Mike but its not the same van and we have to charge Rekier with atemptive murder on Ryder and thats all."

Hearing the voice come over the other end Hope gave a small smile. It had been a while since she had talked with Scott now, and through the gapevine she had hurd about Katie. Knowing this was probley hard on Scott seeing as Katie was his best friend she just wanted to call as another friend to make sure he was ok.

"Hey Scott Its Hope. Sorry I am calling you so late. Hadnt hurd from you in a while and I just wanted to see how you were doind."

Was that really why she was calling? Or was it just that she missed talking to him, and missed hearing his voice? As quick as the thought came Hope pushed it away again. IT was imposable she couldnt think of that.

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