

Emerging from the room with his arm crossed over his chest Phinox lets out a sigh. That was a dead end and he new it. Reiker wasnt part of what happend to Katie, they were wasting there breath. Turning to look at Ryder Phinox gives a little pase on the floor before stopping again.

"Riker didnt know anything about what we were talking about. His story may have sound fake and madeup but no one would come up with answers to questions about it as fast as he did."

Thinking again Phinox choosed his words carfely knowing he needed to watch what he said.

"Could they have mixed you up with someone else? I just have a feeling he didnt know anything about Katie let alone who she was."

Bringing his hands up to Laura's arms Nate is quiet for a moment leaning his head back aganst her. The soft small of lavander and soap washed over him making him feel safe. He cant ever remembering a woman having there arms around him and him being the one who felt safe.

Turning a little Nate pulls Laura infront of him and draws her into his lap and brings her close to him. Leaning into her Nate nuzzles into Laura's neck just a little before pulling away a little and running a hand over her cheeck just looking into her eyes.

Laura had become his shelter, his sound ground. He was strong, but a little more strangth was always nice and welcomes. Giving a smile he gives a small nod.

"Yeah I think I am holding the best I can with the help of a certin good looking Lady."

Running his finger over her cheek again He leans in and gives her a small kiss.

"I love you so much."

Slowly walking over to Carson Misty sets a plate down for him that had two grilled cheese samwich on it.

"I thought maybe you would want something to eat."

Stairing at the screen for a moment Misty watches what Carson was watching. Hearing him say a name Misty squots down next to him to continue to watch.

"You know who he is?"

Feeling the pinch in her arm Katie gives a wince. She wanted to cry out in pain, she hated the feeling, the way the EE made its way through her body, they way it felt to be left alone with her own mind, she hated it.

Lifting her head Katie looks at Gage in the eyes her own reflecting an emptyness but a strangth at all the same time. At this point she didnt know what to think or how to feel. She was scaired, and she hurt but she had to stay strong.

"I'm happy to still be alive, because when they find me, and I know they will I want to see the look on your face. I have my hope, and my love. Take my emotions away from me you may, but you cant take away my free will to choose who I am."

As Gage runs the blade aganst Katie she can feel the cold steel on her skin and it stung. Everything inside of her quivered but her eyes showed no fear and she didnt wince or back away but just continues to look at Gage. They would come for her, she new they would, se had to keep hope. Things wernt so bad right now.

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