
Should start

*Wes smiles at Cindy puting his arm around her and holding her close.*

"As long as its with you I would love to. I am glad Jason feels at home."

*Getting up and puts the DvD in Wes sits back down snuggling next to Cindy and enjoying the movie.*

*Katie snaps her head up hearing Trent's voice and is startled for just a moment. She's never been to close with him that she can remember but her Aunt had told her who he was. It felt strange now to have him sitting next to her but on the other had it was kind of nice. Sometimes having someone to talk to that your hardly know is easyer than the person you new all your life.

Looking at Trent for a moment Katie takes in everything he says and than looks back to the sky and all the colors.*

"Its easy to say that ya know, its harder to do it."

*Katie lets out a long sigh. She didn't know what she was thinking.*

"I guess its just hard to see the light when one minute your giving someone a kiss and the next your saying goodbye. The darkness seems so heavy its just hard."

*Katie looks down at her hands for a moment just thinking.*

*As Jason enters the mess hall Wendy is about to give him a greeting when she is pulled from her chair and slung into his arms. Not sure what is going on and before she can even think Jason lips meet hers and for a moment she is not sure what on earth to do.

Once Jason lets go and Wendy is standing infront of Clint blinking her eyes and just standing with her mouth open a little but not sure what to say or do all she can do it blink. Before Wendy can say anything again Jason and Clint start at it.

Finally unable to contain it any longer Wendy breaks out in laughs as she watches the two boys. Decieding to get in on the actions she walks over to Clint and brights her hands to his sides tickling him.*

"Maybe you should start kissing me like that too."

*Wendy toss a wink at Clint.*

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