
Second Home

*Wendy smiles and pats Clint's leg as he sits down next to her.*

"I thought maybe you got attacked by more chairs."

*Wendy cant help the giggle that escaped her lips.*

*Katie smiles as the two go back and forth for a moment. Shaking her head she finally answers Clint.*

"How could I forget you guys? Just because I am busy dosn't mean I forgot who my family is."

*Katie smiles just a little and keeps the conversation up. Talking a little about work, and home life. Catching up on all the happing around the ranch Katie trys her best to keep the talk off her.*

"So Katie do you still drive the spitfire of a car Scott gave you?"

*After Wendy finishs her sentince she relizes what she just said and her eyes grow a little larder as she looks down at the table fast.*

"I'm sorry I ment....sorry."

*The smile from Katie's face fades as the mention of Scott comes up. What was a harmless sentince shouldnt have bother Katie but it his her alot harder than exspected sending her mind reeling and more memories to come flooding back. In an instint Katie can feel the tears that well up in her eyes. Standing from the table Katie whispers.*

"Excuse me please."

*Not saying anymore Katie leaves the table and heads outside to one of the benches. Sinking down on it and puting her head in her hands as the tear just come once again. When would she stop feeling like this. Why...why did it have to hurt?*

*Wendy looks to Clint and than to Rosetta and the other faces at the table.*

"I didn't mean...I...didn't think....I'm sorry."

*Wendy looks down at the table. She felt like crap for bring up Scott. It just sliped out of her mouth before she even though about what she was saying. Now she hurt her friend and she hated feeling that.*

*Rosetta looks to Wendy with simpathy before looking to Mick and than looking to the door were Katie disapeared. She wished there was a way to whip the pain away but there wasent, there was only time.*

"It's ok Wendy. You didn't mean to. Katie just needs some time."

*Wes gives a streach as he stands and nods at Jason. A small grin forming on his lips. Jason might want to go to bed but Wes wasnt going to let him just yet.*

"Before you head to bed I have something to show you. I'm not sure if you will like it or not, but I guess I just wanted to do something nice for you."

*Wes shakes his head to the side to have Jason follow him down the hall. Stopping at the last door down at the end of the hall Wes lets out a sigh. Why he felt nervouse himself he wasnt sure. Maybe it was the fact that he was just hoping Jason would like it.*

"I had this ready for last time you were out but you didnt stay here and than you had to leave fast for your concert so I figured I would just wait till you came back. I hope you like it, and a few differnt people made it possable for this creation to come to be."

*Opening the door Wes steps in and stands to the side for Jason to follow in.

The walls of the room where panted black and white on the far wall was a murl painted of all the members of Jetstream standing together. Mick was on the drums in the back and than Kyle was with the keybored in front, Phil was to the other side with his bass and Jason was in the middle with his guitar. Along the top in big letters it said JetStream. The murle was excessively done. Every detail of the face even down to Jason's scar was add in. It looked like it took someone hours. In the far courner under the murle was the initiles of the artest WL.*

"Wendy panted that for me. She said it came out even better than she planed."

*Next the wooden dresser, Chest, bed frame, headbored and footbored all looked hand made and if you looked close enough you could make out music notes that had been ingraved into the wood along with a bunch of differnt words from some of the songs Jetstream had preformed.*

"You know how long it took me to carve words into wood. I think I must of thron out a million peaces of wood. But I finally got it just right."

*Next on the walls were pictures of Jetstream concerts and sheets of music from there songs. Also there were pictures of just Jason with the band at Mike's house, practicing, having dinner. There were even pictures of Jason with Katie, Jason with Mick, Jason with Scott, Scott with Katie, Katie with Jen, Jason alone. All were memories captured in time.*

"Katie got all those pictures together for me along with the sheets of music. When I told her what I was doing she was so excited to help. I made her promise not to say anything though."

*Than tucked around the small corner in a septet area sat something Wes was proud of and new Jason would like. Two guitars, one acoustic and one electric. along with a sheet music stand and an amp. Behind them was a big window that looked out over the backyard with a view to die for. Even at night the way the moon shown you could see for miles as the soft light lit up the ground.*

"I know when you come out you dont bring you own guitar. So I though maybe if you had one for when you here you can still practice. Con helped me with knowing what kind of guitars you liked. They arnt the greatest but I figured you might like them anyways."

*The rest of the room curtins, rug, bedding, and even the reclining chair had fabric on them white with black music notes on them to match the walls.

Wes leans aganst the one wall and cross his arms a smile on his face.*

"I hope you like it Jason. I know you were nervouse about coming out, and you felt strange now that life has changed so much but I was hoping that I could make this room so you would be comfortable here and consider this your second home. We love ya Jase."

*Wes gives Jason a pat on the shoulder as he starts to head out the door.*

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