

Most everyone is present in the dining hall as supper starts, the chatter continuing, some hollering over to Katie once in a while to ask questions or chat. Austin is sure to say hello to her too, inquiring about Jason and finding out he'd gone on ahead to his mom's. A slight bit of disappointment flickers in his eyes, but he says nothing, easing into the cheer around him.

After the meal has started, the back door opens and Clint comes in, the latest to arrive. He's freshly showered - an obvious sign that he'd been too big of a mess from the shop to come in right away. He's lost a little bit of weight since he'd seen Katie last, and looks good, coming up to the other side of the table and sliding in next to Wendy.

"Well, look who the cat dragged in." He grins, tossing Katie a teasing wink. "Good to see you back in this neck of the woods. Thought maybe you forgot about us."

His foot nudges Wendy's under the table as an apology for being late, as he keeps talking to Katie. "So where's that scoundrel of a man who calls himself Hotshot? I had to hear over the grapevine he was coming - he didn't even answer my emails, the turkey."

Feeling Katie's response, helps Jason's emotions ease of just a little bit. Though there was tension between them, he was ever so glad they could still communicate.

Hearing Wes' words, Jason's eyes drift to the floor again. He takes a deep breath, knowing his stepfather was right...he just needed to tell his mom and start being honest with her. He'd never directly lied, but...he'd been misleading, which was just as bad.

"Thanks, Wes..." He looks up again. "I don't exactly know how Camryn felt... This connection with Katie and me has....well...sort of evolved I guess, into something bigger and I suppose it was hard for Camryn to accept. I guess if I was in her shoes I might have felt the same way." He shrugs. "Maybe you're right...maybe it just wasn't meant to be."

Hearing Wes' comments about his mom, Jason nods. "You're right...I guess I just got started down that path and didn't know how to get off again. I do need to just tell her. It's just..."

"You two look awfully serious in here." Cindy comes into the living room, drying her hands on a dish towel.

Jason looks up in surprise, his face reddening slightly.

Seeing the looks on both men's faces, Cindy lifts an eyebrow. "What is it...is something wrong?"

"No. Yes... I mean..." Jason looks to Wes and rolls his eyes. Here he went again. "I...was just.... telling Wes a few things that.... that I need to tell you too..."

Cindy eases down in a chair, worry in her eyes. "What is it, hun? What's wrong?"

Jason goes on to explain the best he can, first about him and Katie, so Wes will know more as well, telling how things had progressed and how the connection had strengthened. He talks a bit about his knee, exposing the truth of it all, then he finally tells about him and Camryn.

Cindy is leaned back in the chair, having grown silent as she'd listened to her son. Hearing about Camryn, when Jason finally becomes quiet, she gives a little nod. "I thought that's what had happened."

Jason's eyes widen. "You knew?"

"Oh...I wasn't sure, but I thought maybe things hadn't worked out."


Cindy smiles. "Call it a mother's intuition."

Jason is slightly taken aback. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I guess I knew when the time was right, you would tell me. And...I wanted you to tell me yourself. So...I just waited."

Jason glances down. "I'm sorry...I just..."

"It's okay, Jason." Cindy's words are sincere. She looks to her husband, feeling so happy...she just wished Jason could find happiness too. "You do know you can tell me aything though, don't you? I love you so much...and that will never change."

"I know..." Jason sighs a little. "It was wrong of me to hide it from you. I'm just...glad you know now."

Cindy nods. "Me too."

Suddenly a cry breaks the silence and Cindy is on her feet. "Well, I guess someone is awake. I'll be back."

And she is... a few minutes later after calming Kaylee, Cindy comes back with her in her arms and walks slowly to Jason. "Jason...meet your sister."

Jason stands up and swallows hard. He didn't know why he felt nervous all of a sudden. It was just...different... knowing he had a sister. Looking down on the small bundle, he can't help the small smile that comes to his lips. Kaylee's eyes were so bright. She stared up at him in wonderment at who this stranger was.

Cindy looks at Wes, then back to Jason, beaming. "You can hold her..."

Jason almost backs up. "Oh, um, I..."

Cindy grins and shakes her head. "She won't break." Holding Kaylee out, she forces Jason to take hold of her, and helps him position his arms to cradle her.

Jason has never felt more awkward but good at the same time. Easing back down into the chair, he cradles Kaylee, his eyes studying her small, soft features.

She gurgles a little and almost smiles.

Jason grins and takes a finger to gently run across her head and down her face. Kaylee sees his hand, and reaches up with a tiny fist, latching onto his finger with a grip one would thing someone her size couldn't have.

Cindy chuckles. "Looks like she's not going to let you go."

Jason stares into the baby's eyes, overcome with a feeling...an emotion like no other. It was one he didn't understand, and couldn't hide. He had dreaded this...had not wanted to see his sister... a baby... much less be attached to her in any way. But feeling he tiny hand on his and seeing those eyes that probed his own... "I'm not going to let you go either," he whispers.

The three just sit in the living room for a while, quietly... peacefully...

Cindy watches her children, the smile never leaving her face. As the clock ticks on, Kaylee's eyes drift shut and before they know it, she's asleep in Jason's arms, her hand still grasping his finger.

Cindy chuckles and rises from her chair. "I better put her back to bed and see if she'll sleep a few hours."

It takes a bit of doing to pry the baby's fingers from Jason's, but they manage to do it without waking her, and Cindy quietly takes her back down the hall.

Jason gives a little sigh and looks up at the clock on the wall. "Guess bed sounds good to me right about now too. It wasn't a long trip, but I'm bushed."

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