
Apple tree dwellers

Leo bites his lip, now fighting his own emotions. He really did like Ryan... but he didn't know how to get past this.

"Alright, well..." Without knowing what else to do, Leo stands up and aims for the door. "Get well soon. Everybody misses you at the shop."

Jade laughs out loud as she races beside Dan. Daring to turn her head and watch him ride, she knows he isn't pushing his horse, and neither is she. It was more fun not to be a cutthroat.

Gaining speed, it doesn't take long at all until the far bend where they have to slow. Pulling the mare down to a lope, jog and finally a walk, Jade catches her breath, laughing again. "Ohhh I needed that." She throws Dan a grin. "Nothing like spending your energy on a horse. I miss it out here."

Taking a deep breath of the fresh air, she urges her mount forward, confident of where she was. Within minutes, they came upon the small apple tree grove. Jade slows to a stop and dismounts, grabbing a rope and halter to tie her horse to a nearby fence.

Ducking under a couple low branches, she finally spots Mick and BJ in a clearing. "Hey! Quit stealing those ranch apples!"

Mick snaps his head up from looking in the bucket that BJ was "helping" him carry. A look of bewilderment crosses his face, and then a smile of surprise. "Jade?"

Unable to contain her energy, she gives a little squeal and runs to him, to receive a big hug. "Mmmm hi, Dad."

Mick chuckles and swings her around. "Hey, babe. What are you doing here?"

"Glad to see you too," Jade retorts sarcastically, but she can't help a giggle. "I wanted to surprise you."

"Well, you did that." Mick slings his arm over her shoulder, and only then realizes that Dan is there too. "Don't tell me you forgot how to get out here," he teases Jade.

She elbows him. "Of course not. Dan was just being my bodyguard."

Mick raises his eyebrows. "For...?"

"Evil apple tree dwellers. They resemble a cross between a wolf and a crab apple. Ugly critters."

Mick laughs and shakes his head. "Now come on, why are you here?"


"Vacation? What about school?"

Jade bites her lip. "Can we talk about this later."

Mick stops walking and hands off the task of throwing out bad apples to BJ before looking back at his daughter. "Don't tell me. You changed your mind."


"I bet your grandmother is thrilled about that."

"I'd rather face the apple tree dwellers."

Mick tries hard not to laugh, and finally just shakes his head. "Well, I'm not happy you went that far just to turn around, but I can't blame you for not wanting to go to that girl's school." He sighs and gives her ponytail a tug. "We'll talk more later. How long you staying?"

"Um... that's to be determined?"

Mick's eyes narrow. There was a much bigger story here, but it wasn't one to try and go over while under the apple trees. "Alright... like I said, we'll talk later." He glances to Dan. "Hey, you wouldn't mind taking BJ back in the truck would you? I'll take the horse back."

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