
I guess

Ryan felt at a loss for words witch was something that didnt happen with her much. But she was, anything she thought she could say just didnt feel like it would help or even change Leo's mind. She did understand why Leo was upset, she probably would be too.


Ryan choaks on her own words just not knowing what to say some sweat rolling down her face. She wanted to turn back time and ask Leo out on her own, her heart hurt so much. The hot flashes she was experiencing seemed to fit her mood.

"I guess thats...thats best than since I cant do anything else to change your mind. I hope sometime we can try again. I'd...like that."

Closing her eyes for a moment Ryan fights the tears the want to come and turn into a headache. She didnt know what else to say, or do she had never delt with this before.

Trowing Jade a wink at her challenge Dan was ready. He new the path pretty well, and it was a safe one though caution would still be needed.

"I was born ready, I hope you are."

Taking off with Jade a smile flashs across Dan's face as the wind rushs over him. Catching up with Jade her keeps the same pase as her not moving ahead but not falling behind eather. It wasnt about winning to him, but just spending time with someone and having a break from work.

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